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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
Talks briefly about Civil War and the Bishop's visit to England
KMcI 620426
letter, Russell, McIlvaine, Hall, invitation
Recommended Citation
Marsh, George, "Letter to C. P. McIlvaine" (1862). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 58.
From George P. Marsh, U.S. Minister to Italy, to Bp. McIlvaine
Turin, April 26, 1862
My dear sir,
I forward you by this mail the NY semi-weekly Times of April 8 & the Washington Intelligence and REpublican of the same date. Those are the latest I have received. Though the times of the 11th should have arrived this morning. if it comes to hand tomorrow I will send it by the evening mail.
We are on the eve of important events and I think the next arrival must bring news of a severe, if not a decisive, blow from one side or the other. I must confess my hopes are not so sanguine of a great success at the East as in the West & in which later quarter there is evidently a will of which no evidence has yet been given by the army of the Potomac.
I was glad to hear of your visit to England, and hope you may have produced some impression on the bad men who control the foreign policy of that most unjust and ungenerous Government but I fear that they are inaccessible to any influence but those of malignant jealousy and of material interest.
I regret that you do not take Turin in your route & hope that circumstance may still enable you to visit the political capital of italy before you return to America.
Rt. Rev’d
Bishop McIlvaine