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letter, McIlvaine


Boardman Dec. 19/62

Dear Sir,

After getting dinner I find my time to visit you before going to Canfield so limited, that partly on that account & partly on another. I [leave] this without doing so. The latter reason is that I feel the [need] importance of avoiding [doing] what might be [?] to indicate a want of right appreciation of your having refused to Bp. Bedell, [acting] a certain paper belonging to the Vestry of this parish when he had requested to see it, or else a copy, promising to return the former, [if sent]. Bp. Bedell, in that request, as my representative; & [aside] from the consideration of the right in the case to see the original especially when the Vestry had jointly with him requested a sight of their own paper, the refusal to the Bp. of even a copy was a [want] of due respect & courtesy which I cannot even seem not to appreciate.

I remain

Yours truly
Chas. P. McIlvaine
Bishop [?]

Letter to ?



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