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Feels that he must leave parish as Senior Warden (who is his sole support) is going to New York. Would like to move to Salem where he could take on New Lisbon and Canfield. Tells him of his financial problems if Boardman will not pay $120 they owe him.
letter, McIlvaine, McMurphy
Recommended Citation
McMurphy, A. T., "Letter to McIlvaine" (1863). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 346.

Boardman Feb 12 1863
Rt. Rev. and Dear SIr,
I feel now that it is my duty to leave this place. I am fully satisfied that all has been accomplished here that can be done by me. I have remained here the last two years under circumstances exceedingly trying to myself and family. But I wished to do all that could be done for the cause of Evangelical truth, and in compliance with the wishes of yourself and Bishop Bedell as also the missionary committee. I stayed on hoping that some good would result from it. But the indications of Providence satisfy me that my duty it to leave. My Sen. Warden the [?] whom you met at my house, is the only man that has stood by me but he is about to move away to New York, and I shall be left without a single man to rely [?] on. Under these circumstances I feel that I must leave. I do not think that this old Parish (which has ever been, so far as the controlling influences are concerned offered to the Bishops and their policy) ought longer to be sustained by Missionary aid. It has always depended on this sources and there is no hope of anything better, and I think the money expended here can be appropriated to a much better use somewhere else. My efforts at Salem and New Lisbon appear to be appreciated and I feel encouraged to hope that good may be done at both places. The people of both places are anxious to have me more to Salem. I think this is the point where I ought to reside as it is halfway between Canfield and New Lisbon, my other points of labor. But the people connected the the enterprize in Salem are poor and not able to contribute much and yet willing to do to the extent of their ability. And yet I think it must be regarded as a promising field of labor. If I can be sustained I am willing to move there and try what can be done. If the committee could increase my stipend to $225 or even $200 I would venture to move there and make a faithful effort to build up a parish. I have now become acquainted and I think to some extent overcome the prejudices which I found existing there. But my present services there are not sufficient for so growing and thriving a [?]. As I feel anxious to leave here the 1st of April. Please let me hear from you soon, I know the committee do not meet until March but I do not doubt they will confirm whatever you propose. If this arrangement cannot be made I do not see but that I must look out for some other place. I told Mr. Newton what you requested me, but he has not paid the money yet. What cause am I to take in order to get my money. It is possible that whe[n] Boardman knows that I am going to leave he will advise Newton to pay it. But if not what am I to do? I cannot afford to lose $120 which will be due me then for i have obligations that I must meet. In leaving here it will reduce my present salary [?] the Parsonage $100. (which I shall have to pay for a house in Salem) $225 so that if the committee increase my present stipend one half. I shall not have then in all probability as much to live on as I have now, and the expense of living has very much increased. I merely mention this that the committee may see that I ask nothing unreasonable. But I hope the ability of Salem and New Lisbon will both increase in the course of a year or so. My family are are well and desire to be affectionately remembered to you. Mrs. Block[som] whom you confirmed at Canfield has experienced a severe trial in the death of her husband, and the church also sustains the [?] of his support. Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience. I remain,
Very truly and affectionately yours,
A. T. McMurphy