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letter, McIlvaine, Bedell
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Bishop Bedell" (1863). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 334.

Cinc. Jan. 23 /63
My dear Bishop,
I have to write with my paper on my lap, as I can not sit at a table, my old [?] [?] again on me. I have several letters from you the last about Chapman.
I see no need of calling the Trustees. I do not desire his resignation, but the contrary & yet I can not consent to pay any salary beyond the present month, or at most half salary to end of the term. The question lies between providing a substitute & the other [officers] at increased pay taking his duties. As to the [former], probably it would be best, if a suitable person can be obtained on so short a notice & such a temporary [footing]. It may be necessary to take the latter plan. As I do not know who could be obtained, outside of the present officers, I [beg] to leave the further consideration of the matter under the above limitations to you. I have admitted [?] [?] from [whom] I heard yesterday, [writes] that not hearing for so long a [time] he had given up the hope of being accepted & is now in secular employment from which he can not disengage himself. I doubt the expediency of encouraging Dr. [Cornell]. He is too much bent on a year’s [course]. I wrote [Watson] for a private opinion of him. He answers that he thinks him a man of no special [?] & [often] little energy to be recd without a full course in the S[?]. I suppose [?] will decline, though I have nothing from him since you were here. I want want you to get all you can about [Irving], [Wiley] & [Potter]. If [Irving] would accept, is he not the man. I fear [Potter] would decline. As [?] [?] [?] would do well. As to [McElree], I have [?] him in [?]. He never applied for any. I can tell in doubt about [Kendrick]. He has answered my enquiries in a very acceptable spirit, entirely [clearing] up the matter of [?] [?], at Portsmouth, I enclose his second letter & one also from Dr. Burr Boyd, whose letter in consequence of his selective position I must treat quite as private, says that he [signed] his testimonials not without [misgiving], that he has always feared his want of [personal] [?] & that his companions have supposed his motives were worldly & selfish in seeking the [ministry]. At the same time he says nothing has ever been alleged against his morals. His conversation with [?] & his letter which I enclose indicate a better state of mind. Whether it is sufficiently hopeful, in [view] of the past, which shows instability of character, to warrant acceptance is now the question. You will observe he [?] himself to my direction & asks what I would advise. [?] I am at a loss. You will see how far I have got. In one of your letters you indicate an enquiry going on about the case. Perhaps you have got some more light. I shall wait to hear from you again. What, in case I should think it best not now to accept, can you think of as advice to him & as a middle step between present non-acceptance & entire rejection? We had till the thaw began yesterday almost two feet of snow here. It is now rapidly passing away.
Yours affectionately
C. P. M.
Newbold has written of his resignation to take effect in April. I fear there was some influence in the parish helping it. He is a good & valuable man. Can we not keep him?
Since writing the above your enclosing [?]’s note about [?] has been recd. I hope you will [see] & talk with Kendrick. I quite [?] it the [?] for the [Ashland] Ch.