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Regrets events surrounding B.R. McIlvaine - is a problem of intemperence




letter, McIlvaine, Chase


Cinc. Nov. 22/62

My dear Friend,

To my great sorrow & mortification I have this Ev. recd. The sad intelligence conveyed in your letter concerning my nephew. I thank you for your consideration in writing & sending [?] [?] report. It is the only case of intemperance I ever heard of in any brand or near relation of my Fathers [Family]. I trust you will not reflect on me for recommending him. I never heard of it [at all] while on my way to Washington, recently, when my sister, Mrs. [Harris], of Phila. told me what she had seen when in Washn. It was in my mind when in Washn. to see him about it, but when I called, he was not in & I had no more time.

Some years ago he was Sec. to Mr. Walker in California, & I heard indirectly what made me afraid of his [habits] then, but since then, when residing with his Father, I had seen or heard nothing of it & supposed he was right. A fine mind & education thus degraded! It will be a hard blow for my dear brother.

You have done only your duty; & I know Col. Smith too well to suppose he would so proceed but under a sense of duty & after all kind efforts to make him do better had failed. Ended as the case has, I must still thank you for having done all you could in his appointment.

Your affectionate friend,
Charles P. McIlvaine

Letter to S.P. Chase



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