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letter, McIlvaine, Bedell
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McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Bishop Bedell" (1859). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 28.
![Letter to Bishop Bedell](
Cinc. July 30. 1859
Rev. + dear Sir.
I am very much indebted for the kindness of your letter of the 21st, particularly for your kind request that I will lay aside all cares which can be committed to you, after your consecration. I am now abstaining from work + care as entirely as is possible, + feel the benefit of it, + am enc[?] to hope that, in due time, under God’s blessing. I shall be able to share with you, by + by, a good deel [sic] of work. You would not suppose me an invalid, to look at me. I have very much my accustomed appearance, + my muscular [?] is not more diminished than might naturally be the case at my age, without disease. It is only when I put my head to work that I feel that something is [wrong]. A very little occupation of mind, beyond a letter, causes the upper-house, “the keep” of the castle, to show signals of distress. I may [antherpede] becoming, by suitable abstinence from care + labor, so far retired ? to be able, with an ap[?], to do a good deel of work, while without me, my mind would not be content not to do more than a brain nice affected could sustain.
In regard to the [?] Since April last, I have visited all the parishes on the Ohio River from [?] to [Hemberville], excluding the latter, though I expect to take that in my way to the Gen [??] also may of the [?] in the castle of the State, + with me exception, all in the Northwest from Cleveland to the Western border. The [visitations longest] behind, are in the North Eastern quarter of the Diocese, with some in teh middle sections, enhancing some of the [excellent], + most feeble [?] + the greater number of the vacant. They are all too far East for Bp. Lee to reach conveniently -- Between Nov. 1 + the 20th we have usually in Ohio, + in the [?] part, as well as the [?], a very delightful season. I have observed for many years that the beginning of broken weather, verging towards [?] is from the 18th to the 20th Nov. After that, it is more or less cold, as with you. [?? Mr.] before that, all the visitations of the parishes in the N. East as far South as Messi[llive] could be made. And after that, it would be easy for you to take the rest not visited this year, belonging to the middle part, at your leisure. I trust you know so well what dioceses are made of, as to be propered to see parishes smell. [??] often very feeble + struggling, sometimes without a minister or a church demanding of the Bp. all kinds of patience, help + hope. I have found me of my most prop[?] + anxious cares in the needs + [fluctuations] of such [?] especially when, as in the state, population changes so much. It is “a work of faith” requiring the “patience of hope” + “the labor of love” -- I think it would be best for you (as I suppose you [?] living at Gambier, where you will have a great opportunity of quiet, unxacting useful help,) to make that your first stopping place. There a house must be built for you. For there we have no funds, To raise them now would be difficult. Dr. [Nacherlin], I think, told me that he + Dr. Clark [?] mentioned to you the way Mr. Wharton’s house had been built, he [advancing] Mc[?] on certain conditions, + that you seemed pleased with it, in reference to have for yourself. I [?] some good people in N.Y. would take it into thier heads to present you with a house that is the cast of [?] My advice is that the sooner you could select a site for a house to suit you, + get a p;lace fixed in + get the building going, the better. I would suggest [Author eddie] I suppose your friends should take it [with] their heads to build you a house, + that you should not build on college property -- which would make the house college-property ^ unlaw ^ but in a lot purchased from the college (the cost would be small) then it would all be yours in fee simple + could be sold or willed at your pleasure. I towuld be easy for you to [return] to N.Y. for a few weeks after the 20th Dec. Very likely shall be able then to do a part of the visitation, if any be [pressing]. I think it can be so arranged that you can come straight to Gambier, after the G. C[?] spend time enough there to select a lot [&c,] then come to Cincinnati, as your chief city, + thence go on a visitation to the N.E. + thence to N. York again. Of the details we can write or converse more particularly hereafter.
We are exceedingly [desirous] of supplying the place of Rector at Gambier, a most important [man] as you may easily [?] requiring much good sense, earnest piety + zeel, special [?] in young men, social [?]
It is a very difficult place to fill, because we need a [?] man + earnest give more than from $1000 to 1200 salary (crossed out). I will be obliged to you to look + think where is a good man to be got. We have been told of Mr/. Dalton of Maine. Do you know [him] Can you ascertain his [futures] + whether there would be any chance of getting him[?] We have come pretty much to the conclusion that my Diocesean paper tho Western Episcopalian, must die. [?] has about 2000 suber[?] … Mr. Badger the Editor + [?]
has no means at all + my efforts to [sustain] him are e[?] It seems almost impossible to sustain such papers with few exceptions by [?] they pay so badly - I shall feel the loss very deeply
It has been well edited [un]decidedly evangelical grounds. It has been identified with the Diocese from the [?] of the diocesean history -- + I fear the [?]. Ch. party [?] the [?] would at [?], either here, or at Louisville, or Indianapolis, set up a substitute.
Please remember me affectionately to Mr. Bedell & your mother. The gracious Lord bless the cooperation in which we [some hope there to] his glory + the providence of His blessed gospel.
Yours very affectionately
C.P. McIlvaine