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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
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letter, McIlvaine, Chase, England
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Petit, "Letter to Chase, S. P. (?)" (1862). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 267.
![Letter to Chase, S. P. (?)](
London Feb. 20, 1982
My dear Mr. Chase
I am here still [doing] Mr [?] my only co-worker, [We] had Bancroft Davis, of Sec. of [?] when Mr. Lawrence was Minister. He staid for days & being well known in English [??] & well versed in American affairs, & of acceptable [manners] he was very useful. Pity he did not stay longer. He [gone], Mr. [?] & I are quite alone for such a work as that of leavening [opinion] in England. He thinks & others think that a [?sides] the [changes] for the [have] better place in the [earnest] of opinion teaching our affairs in the last [?]. Certainly the speeches in Parliament especially those of Cabinet Ministers have been better than were expected & indicate on the part of the [mutiny] as I have also in private conversation, a real desire to avoid as much as possible any offence to our Government & all appearance of [unnecessary] participation in our struggle, or interference therewith I have conversed with few that take so [?] & intelligent a view of our affairs as the Duke of Argyle. His sympathies are evidently with us. But he is lurking with apprehension upon our financial matters. The last time I saw him he spoke of a book by a Mr .Spence of Liverpool entitled “The American Union,” written in the intent of the Rebellion & with very considerable ability, what he said was being very widely read here & was making a strong impression, especially as to the loyal right of [?] & the unpopularity of any return of the seceded States except under [subjection]. The Recorder of London also tells me it is having a great [?] & [?]. I wish there were some American here of loyal abilities to answer in in the loyal question.
We have just heard of the capture of Fort Mr. Henry by the [?] Boats on [?] [?] River, & we hope next to her that our forces have turned the flanks of the enemy at [Bowling] Green & compelled their retreat.
I preached last Sunday night to nearly 5000 people in St. Paul's Cathedral, the largest congregation, the Bp. of London, who was present, tells me that has been there yet. As I did not preach from notes, I was [?] lest in the [?] of speaking with great deliberation in order to be heard, watching the echoes, my mind would not work with ease. But I was [?] more [?] or less disturbed, & I am assured that I was heard at the extremity of the vast [?]. The [Americans] were there in force & seemed greatly gratified. I go to Oxford soon, & though I waited to [?] it, I am booked to preach in Great St. Mary’s, the University Ch. in which [?] was [?] & where he denounced the Pope & all his [?] before his persecution.
I have had appointments of conversation with several of the Cabinet, & my [?] of [?] multiply. Your care & burden must be enormous, under the pressure of the vast expenses to be provided for, & the dis[?] effect in your spirit of the friends which have been preached in the service of the Govt. Now I think of you in that connection. I am asked a great deal about you, especially where Bp. Chase is remembered. My brother wants that his son is much pleased with the clerkship you gave him, for which I as well as he, am much obliged. There is a good deal of [rumours] here that [?], who by the way, is a very [obscure] personage here, is ready to offer as a price of recognition by the Govt. a gradual emancipation, a law providing for self purchase by slaves & prohibiting the separation of husband & wife by [sole]. If so, it is a strong proof that they think slavery a sinking ship. I have set a Member of Parliament to finding about for information how far the rumours are true, that I may inform Mr. Adams.
Will you be so good as to send the enclosed to Mr. Stanton.
Yours affectionately,
Charles P. McIlvaine