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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Fragment of letter written to McIlvaine's son. Not a part of 62-02-13 but evidently written the same day.




letter, McIlvaine, son


Recorder of [London]. [There] we are staying two days, a grand [?] the grandest & part of new London. I have but a few moments for your sister & I are going directly in his carriage to Key Gardens. I send by this [?] a Record containing a notice of my sermon on Sunday, & I have put onto the paper a copy of the [Hy?] [?] that were distributed to the congregations. I want you to give the Record when you have read it to Bp. Bedell, & also the [Hy?]. Perhaps it would interest the reader of the W. Ep. if the letter & all the arrangements there were published in it. By next [sharp] I shall expect to send a copy of the sermon, which was reported & is being printed by the [?] of a certain paper.

I have not time to write more, except to say that there will be a disturbance of our affairs by frequent interference, under present circumstances. God bless you my precious son. My love to the Gambier people. You may let Bp. B. see this & then send it to your Mother. Your dearest father.

[The following is crossed out.]

give you rest in [?] period to the principle “[?] of one.” “Take my yoke upon you & beam at me.”


Fragment of Letter to McIlvaine's Son



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