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Concerning appointments within the church.
letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, church
Recommended Citation
Bedell, Bishop, "Letter from Bishop Bedell to C.P. McIlvaine" (1862). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 189.

Address No 3 Bible House
N.Y. Aug. 10 1862
My dear Bishop
The Rev Mr [Lewett] is recommended most highly. A faithful earnest working man, preacher of truth, honest friend of C.X.J., using all its publications although in W.N.Y. and although graduated in Gen: [?]: Acting by advice of Dyer and [?] I have recommended him for Dayton. A letter accidentally coming into my hands, from one may man to another, [?] so high in character of him that I could hardly hesitate. Mr. Winter being well endorsed as a man where opinion was [?] heeding. He is Mr [Rodenas] the leading man in New Bedford Mass. For Springfield it seems best to nominate Mills, the young man whom I desired to have at [Chillicothe] last summer. He has developed admirably as I am told by both Dyer and [?]. [?] says he was one of the best men at his lectures last winter. Cutter I am told opens in warm terms of him. I hope to hear of it from Cutter myself tomorrow. Mr Mill’s [?] I can vouch.
It does not seem wise on the whole to wait for [?] of whose qualities [?] as a sound thinker and a good theologian I hear nothing. Mills is an interesting preacher, and a good Pastor, apparently, managing Sunday School well, and attracting when visiting in Dr Cullen’s place. If nothing occurs to [?], I shall nominate him to Springfield [?] and I wish you would drop a line to them reminding [?] [?] action.
Wylie will I trust go to Newark. Lewis of last class as I told you is to go to Cross Creek, but as Maples of Bowery is such and wants help for a few weeks, I have given Lewis to go there through Sept.
Will you not follow up my few words in Western Epic, and the [?] from [?]. Let us try to raise up St. George’s to build that Hall at once. At least let us call attention to Gambier. Make as much as you can of Bowler’s gift. Say a good word for him. And write one or two or three good words. Prof. Smith tells me today that it will finish us with all the apparatus immediately indispensable and that $100 more would put all our departments and the Sem: too in complete [?] order so fars as apparatus goes.
Then we want Library. We want Scientific and Classical Library. We want Cabinet. That magnificent [?] cabinet as [?] mentioned in my address, ought not to slip out of our hands.
Pray say something on paper dear Bishop. Strike while the iron is hot.
I have made up my mind God willing, to see Goodwin. I think I shall leave on Friday.
The Trustees wished his election kept quiet because they wanted me to make the inquiries (I already [?] this to you) before giving him the call. That call having been made-- he being now considering it-- it seems to me admirable that their resolution electing him should be published in our paper, and as much notice taken of it as possible.
The purpose will be to place Goodwin in fair position. Next, to let the University people know that we have forced him to look at the question, which will relieve him of the awkwardness of announcing it. Next, it will compel them to make some demonstration if they want to keep him-- the absence of which would [?] him that he was not wanted much. Next it will show, what people I find are beginning to doubt, that the Trustees are earnest in attempting to fill the vacancy. Next, it will call attention of Students to us. Next the possibility of our having a President before long will draw some students to decide for us. Next it will give us, [?] we now want, the opportunity of making bold efforts to induce him to come.
Add to the voice which the appointment will make the announcement that our apparatus is the [?] department-- Cabinets, and I would make the minus equally conspicuous-- that our apparatus is sufficient for all necessary purposes, and we shall get Gambier again before the Church.
If you write [doubt] agree with him about announcing Goodwin please sign or send a note to the effect of the enclosed by return mail to Dr. Wing. There will be little time to lose-- no time to lose. I have written it merely to save you trouble.
Add what you can-- and no man can so well-- to the impression made by the $1000.
Write me a line to give your mind on this matter, so that I may [not [?].
[?] [?]
G. J. Bedell
Rt. Rev. Bp. McIlvaine
I wish you would write the line congratulating the trustees on their choice. It would have the best effect.