
Henry Tany



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Very affectionate note of thanks for photo of Anna received and closing note regarding Bishop's recent visit to Tany's church.




letter, McIlvaine, Tany



Swanton [?] May 27.

Many thanks, my dear [amie[, for your photograph. It is very like you & I highly value it, but why did you not write your name under it.

And so you are going away without coming to tell me how you like my new [?] & drawing room paper , chintz hangings, & all my other alterations. I have been worrying [?] to get my painting & [?] are done, and now I care nothing for delay or whether they be finished this season or not. I dare say it is right that you should go & make others happy as well as the friends you leave, but it is not so very easy as some people suppose to to [?] in who seems to interfere with our selfish comforts. Now my dear Anna, will you not now & then, (meaning thereby, without wide chasms) remember & speak of me, & then say “dear [?] [?] send a line to [?] & tell the old Rector how we all are.”

I shall never forget your sunny countenances and big [?] views of every thing. I have devoured longfellow since [?] read him to me, & I admire him more and & more. But I have lost much of my love for the [Cheever] set.

I may tell you that I can have some helped & happy effects for your beloved father’s ministrations in my Church. Don’t worship him, & remind him of the sin of adultery as often as he is [?] to worship you. Farewell [dear] [?] Anna. Ten thousand thanks for you too should visit, and ever believe me.

Your sincerely & very affectionate friend,

Henry Tany

I send your fathers [?] by the train tomorrow. You have [?] flower make. [?] send me her photo.

To Anna McIlvaine



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