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Strong Letterbook no.89




letter, McIlvaine, Winchester


[Franklin] [South]

Nov. 29th 1858

My dear [Bishop],

I have [?] [?] that you may be daily expected-- from [?]--, and I [?] a line to greet you, but uncertain whether it will reach you at your daily lodging.

In the hope that you when for the [?] of the 7 Hills [?]ure as expected. I venture to ask whether you will do me and my 30 [?] for [?] on the 19th of December, the great [?] of knowing his [?].

I need not say how grateful I shall be for your acquiescence in this event, and as I have that your purpose not to return to America until after Christmas Day, I earnestly hope I shall not [?] in vain.

If [news] [?] the [?] if it is true, according to a [?] woman, this year preached at home, it will be [?] in you to justify yourself in a indented [?], before you present yourself again to them.

You will of course bring your 2 [?] guardians with you, when you promised to visit us before departing to be ready to [?] to testimony to you [?] orthodoxy.

I am ever

My very dear Bishop

But affectionately yours


Bishop McIlvaine

Letter from the Bishop of Winchester to C.P. McIlvaine



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