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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Be at Gambier for examinations - had invitation to speak at General, but turned it down. Also refused your invitation because you had to be at Gambier, too. Was cross on alter at Grace Church, Cleveland? "I wouldn't kneel at Alter - turned to my chair"






letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, Gambier, church


Cinc. May 28 1864

My dear Bp.

On Saturday I recd another letter from you addressed to Cleavland [sic] from Piqua, dated the 19th. I do not see any thing to be answered before we meet but your question of when you should be in G. in order to be presented Theol. Sem. Ex. I should say as early as Thursday of week before Commencement. The examinations are finished on Saturday of that week, + on Sunday we have ordination. I think it would be well to have [Vallladigham] there - I know thing of his health but his own accord. He says his health is better. My chief difficulty is that he has no opportunity of becoming practically acquainted with the way of our Church. But time would not cure that.

Prof. S. R. Johnson of the Gen. Theol. Sem. has written me requesting now, as it is my turn to, address the graduating class on the 28th June, + urging it much, + that if I cannot come, I will put you in my place. I have answered that I must be at G. at that time + that as it will be your first opportunity of official presence at the annual [?] from Sem. it is very desirable that you should be there at that time.

I confirmed 12 yesterday at Mr. [Relatby’s] - Next Sunday I have confirmation at Christ Ch. + at [Walnut Hills].

Was the Altar with its wooden cross on it, erected in Grace Ch. Cleveland when you were there? It offensive, + I do not see how I can avoid remonstrating about it, nor how I could consecrate the Ch. with them there. As it was, I would not kneel at the altar + [?] to my chair.

Yours very affly


Letter to Bishop Bedell



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