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Recommendation of Charles Short, who became in 1863 Kenyon's seventh president
KMcI 630617
letter, McIlvaine, Everett, Short, Kenyon College
Recommended Citation
Everett, Edward, "Letter to C. P. McIlvaine" (1863). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 110.
Scrapbook p. 36
Edward Everett to Bishop C.P. McIlvaine
Boston 17 June 1863
My dear Sir,
It gives me great pleasure, in this way, to bear witness to the character and attainments of Mr. Charles Short. He was graduated from Harvard in 1846, while I was President of the University. He was among the best scholars in a class, distinguished for scholarship and his character and conduct were, in all respects, most exemplary and such as to promise a career of eminent usefulness. Owing to the distance of our residences I have not, of late years, been in intimate relations with Mr. Short, but I have no reason to doubt, that the hopes which he inspired, on the part of all who knew him in earlier life, have been fulfilled.
I remain, Dear Sir, with the highest respect, faithfully yours,
Edward Everett
The Right Rev.
Bishop McIlvaine
Notes: Edward Everett (1794-1865) Unitarian Minister, Prof. of Greek, Editor, Congressman, Gov. of Mass., U.S. Minister to Great Britain (resigned 1845), Pres. of Harvard (1846-1849), U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Senator. On 11/19/1863 his carefully prepared oration at Gettysburg was so overshadowed by President Lincoln’s.