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Chase discusses his travels from Boston to Hartford and reiterates his plans to be back in Ohio by the week after next.
New Bedford, Boston, Sister Perry, Aunt Pope, Rev. Mr. Holmes, Providence, Bristol, Bp. Griswold, Mr. Sigourney, Mrs. Sigourney, Mr. Wadsworth, Sandusky, Albany, Mt. Vernon
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Sophia Chase" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 704.

Hartford May 19. 1827.
My dear Wife:
I began a letter to you, I think at New Bedford – but have mislaid it – therefore must commence this so far back as I do not know when but shall say.
I left Boston on Tuesday last – reached Sister Perry’s before night where I saw two of your Cousins Aunt Popes daughters who live some small distance off. They soon went on and left the whole night’s conversation to Susan and myself. She has been very sick of a fever but has recovered so as to enjoy society.
The next morning Wednesday Susan rode with me into town. – wne to Aunt Pope’s – Rev. Mr. Holmes called, went over to Charlottes and dined. In the evening preached, made a collection for Kenyon College. Next morning set off for Providence – went by way of Bristol sw Bp. Griswold – same evening came on to Providence took tea at Mr Jones’ & slept at Mr. [Holsey’s]. Next day friday came to Hartford & went immediately to Mr Sigourney’s where I met with a most cordial reception. Today Saturday I have called on Mr Wadsworth, the Governour & many others.
Sunday morning, Hartford, May 20.
I am this day to preach and administer the Holy communion to the still beloved people of this flock. God grant me grace rightly to improve this the last (I believe the last) time of breaking bread with them, I trust, his faithful servants this side of the grave!
Mr Mrs Sigourney treat me with great kindness. Nothing seems too much for them to do for me. Finding my wardrobe deficient in neckcloth, the young Ladies all day yesterday in hemming & preparing a half doz – and Mrs S. presented them to me most affectionately last night. She often mentions you with great esteem.
My plan still remains the same – and every day increases my anxiety to fulfil [sic] it. Tuesday and Wednesday next I shall [?] be in N. York next Sunday in Albany – and the Sunday following I hope to be in Sandusky. But remember it is only hope. The Boat may not be in readiness when I arrive at Buffalo. But I hope for the best – that I may see you soon: till when let me have you continued & fervent prayers. Meet me at Mt. Vernon
Ph’r Chase