Letter to Lord Gambier
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Chase incloses a letter from Timothy Wiggin and asks Gambier to pass along a message regarding the dispersal of stereotype plates in England to Mr. Pratt
England voyage, Timothy Wiggin, Josiah Pratt, Appeal
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Lord Gambier" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 485.

Copy of letter to Lord Gambier dated March 3, 1824
My Lord,
I hope your lordship will pardon the liberty I take in enclosing a letter of Mr. Wiggin of Manchester which if it be not too much for me to ask, I beg you to peruse and then send it to the Rev. Mr. Pratt.
Mr. P. informs me there is a new edition of the Appeal soon to come out. I shall write to York & Hull & the friends to send thence also the names of the Subscribers to London.
Those who take an interest in the Amn. Epl. Church have expressed a strong desire to be in possession of a copy of the Amn. Prayerbook.
As it has already been determined to procure if possible while in Engd. a set of stereotype plates for the use of the Proposed Seminary in Ohio, would it not be advisable to apprise our friends in Engd. of the design of striking off from these plates before they are sent to America a sufficient number to supply their wants at a much lower rate than they could be imported at and yet sufficient in the aggregate to defray a considerable proportion if not all the expense of the plates and thus save encroaching on our interesting funds. May I ask your Lordship to have the goodness to mention this to Mr. Pratt.
I have great happiness in assuring your Lordship of my gratitude to a merciful overruling Providence for the very unexpected removal of the difficulties which obstructed my progress in the cause of Ohio on my first arrival in Engd. Every instrument in this work of peace is dear to me beyond my power to express.
I am Lds. faithful and obt Sevt. & Friend