
Philander Chase



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Bp. Chase reports that he has earned donations from Magdalen College of Oxford. He also misses his family and stresses about taking them from New York to Ohio later that year.




Oxford, England


Mr. Bull, Dr. Macbride, Mr. Greswell, Oxford, Dr. Coppleston, Mr. Short, homesickness, Greddington, Mr. Ward


Oxford June 1


My very Dear Lord;

Thanks to your Lordship for your short though good letter of yesterday —

I have called on your good son this morning but found him absent at his lecture. Mr. Bull has been very civil to me in this kind invitations but unfortunately I have been previously engaged. — The Lordship of Oxford called on me this day and I am to meet him at the Vice Chancellor’s at ½ past 5. Dr. Macbride went with me to the Masters of Queen’s & Magdalen. The latter told me he had this day procured a vote from his college of 100 ₤ 60 to New York and Cont & 200 ₤ to Ohio. Mr. Greswell told me that there was the accession of several names for Ohio at the bankers.

Dr. Coppleston, on whom I called this morning is very much my friend. Dr. Macbride called with me on Mr. Short but I found him not at home. The fellows of New College are warm in their attachment to the Ohio cause. I dined with them yesterday. On the whole, considering the means which have been used to repress the [predilection] in favor of the cause I have in hand I think there is abundant reason for gratitude for the prospects of success still left us.

Your Lordship must know how anxious I am to return to my dear Church and family. Travelling after the month of September from the east to the west with a young family is next to impossible. If I am to take my family from N. York to Ohio this winter I must be in N.Y. by the middle of August. So much is to be done in so little time that the particular providence of God seems necessary to enable me to accomplish it.

When your Lordship writes again to the Wards pray make kind mention of a very sincere friend, the writer of this. Pray is Edward along with his Father at Greddington?

I think I shall leave this for London on Saturday next; but am not sure: but wherever I am I can never be otherwise than the most affectionate & grateful friend your Lordship possesses.

Philander Chase

Letter to Lord Kenyon



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