
Philander Chase



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Chase asks Wheaton to consider publishing a rebuttal to the article published about him in the British Critic. Chase assures him that this would be very helpful in exonerating both himself and the cause for Ohio overall.




England voyage, Rev. N.S. Wheaton, Bp. Bowen, Bp. Hobart, Oxford, British Critical, British Critic


T Callienstone Building,

Holborn London

June 25, 1824

To the Rev Mr. [N.S.] Wheaton

[Agent] for the Rt. Rev. Bishop Brownell and Representative of the Right Rev. Bishop Hobart in the matter of making collections in England for the benefit of the Episcopal insitutions in Connecticut and New York [In] States of America.

Rev and Dear Sir,

If you do not approve of the article in the British Critic of may last in reference to myself & the cause of Theological Seminary in Ohio, but consider the said Article as a malignant attack on an innocent person & a righteous cause, perhaps you, after mature deliberation & consulting your friends, you would have no objections to publish something officially [under] your hand to that effect. As the Representative of two American Bishops in promoting a subscription for the Aid of which the said Article in the British Critic seems to have been written, you appear to be called upon to do this as an out of justice to myself and Ohio (if an act of justice you deem it) and also to exonerate both them & you from all participation in Article the effects of which have spread far and wide. These effects as I am [assured] by my friends are very detrimental to Ohio. What may be the extent in which they are beneficial to the cause you represent I am not so good a judge as yourself.

Before I went to Oxford I called on you, and desired this friendly act at your hands. I attempted to show you that, situated as we were in this [country], you acting for Bishop Hobart & Bishop Brownell & I for Ohio. I had a right to desire of you what I think they, if present, would most freely grant, viz a friendly contradiction of what is deemed a malignant & false attack upon a Brother in Christ in a foreign land, and in a matter wherein they are both concerned. To this you did not assent but said you would consult your friends.

No contradiction to the effect mentioned appearing in public from under your hand and learning from a friend that you are (lately) disinclined to the measure altogether I send you this [official] & (sincerely) most friendly & respectful note.

With devout prayers that God may bless and direct you, I am Rev & D[ea]r Sir Your Friend Brother in Christ Jesus our Lord Philander Chase

Bishop of the PEC in the State of Ohio.

Letter to Reverend Wheaton



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