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Chase is updating his wife on what he has been up to. Including meeting with the Lords Gambier and Kenyon as well as Dr Gaskin.
London, England
England voyage, George Marriott, Lord Bexley, Dr. Gaskin, Bp. Hobart, Lady Rosse, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Evans, Bp. of Durham, Reverend Wheaton, Intrepid Morse, Reverend Osborne, Sir Charles Palmer
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Sophia Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 318.

London May 3
My Dear Wife,
I think my last date was from Br. Babbington’s in Leicestershire the morning after the close of my latter the Rev. Mr. R. Marriott and my self attended Mrs B in her coach to Leicester. On our wat we called at the Residence of Sit Charles Palmer & were introduced Lady Palmer Sir Charles being in town. She is an American Daughter of Sir (Something) Pepperill whom as a conspicuous character in the Rev. [?] our dear mother who was from Boston mat know.
But I can not stay to tell you of my tour and of my kind reception every where till I returned to London on the 30th [until] Seven O’clock P. M. I dined with Lord Bexley Present many [?] two Bishops and Dr. Stewart of Canada. It was splendid beyond any thing before seen by myself. The evening was passed off pleasantly enough. On Sat. [1] Dr. Stewart called on my & insisted on it, that I was [schismatic]; but before he went away began to have doubts of that fact. The same evening I went ot see Lord Kenoyn who has just returned to town after the Easter Holy days. Never was a kinder harted [sic.] man than this & well he may be; for he was a pupil of mr. Jones of Nayland and I think I have observed in a form[al] letter. On Sunday 2nd I went in a Hack (for it rained all day) to Stoke Newington to see Dr. Gaskin, it is 4 or 5 miles from London with this bst o men I attended Church all day, and at his his hands (no small comfort) In the Blessed Sact — The maneuvering [policy] of Bp. Hobart & his friend H. H. Norris was [?] by the Dr. and most completely exposed by his straight forward mind. {He showed me many letters wiren while I was in depression from Mr. N & the Bp: which if they were published (as he himself expressed it) “set the church in America in flames” [Frailty], thy name is} —
When I came home I wrote a letter to Lady Rosee who resides near Wolverhampton not far from Bermingham. I send a copy of it as well as her note to which mine is an answer.
Today Monday I went to Portman Square [and] to appointment with Lord Kenyon & his Lordship, as he is now to be one with Dr. Gaskin of the Trust for the Ohio Fund (then nothing High & Low Chh: Evan’ds & Orthodox [?] which I regard as little as need be or tweedledum & tweedledee) to his Lordship I say I read this same letter to Lady Rosee and with it he was well pleased; and I hope it will not displease you my Dear Wife.
At 11, he accompanied me on foot & in the rain (for his carriage is gone to the country) to the Bishops of [?] & Chester who are pleased with my “project” as Mr. A Norries calls it. Lord K. then walked with me to 16 Cavendish Sq’r and left eme on the door steps of the Bishop of Durham. This good old (yet a) man sound in mind and body beyond most men of his generation rec’d me with much kindness; so much so that I dare not repeat his words of Commendation of me & gratitude to God that he had lived to see such a man as myself — His subscription to the fund he observed should be 100. He had subscribed, he s’d to something about Mr Wheaton and Bp. Hobart 50 — but to me he s’d he would give double!! [sic]
This evening have attended a Church Missionary Sermon; and am well pleased. May God speed thee proposition of his Gospel through out world! [sic] — Lord Gambier brought me home in his Coach. Thus I have [?] brought my tale to this very moment without answering your letter inclosing that or Mr. More.
But I forgot to tell you there I rec’d a letter this day from the Rev Mr. Osborn S. Car’a — It is the best written thing I have seen from a m’a not [ex?ting] the (Proten) [sic]. Mr. G H Marriott opened his eyes like fireballs in reading it. I can not tell you how Mr. Morse’s & yours letter pleased me. God be thanked for the zeal the measure opening to E’d has excited. I pray that it maybe right by directed to His Glory. I maybe have [grave] to bear [propriety] as I have had thus, manly strength not tho sink in the day of adversity. It is said with great truth that the latter require more strength to bear than the former. Let me then pray the more fervently to be kept sensible; and not to [count]. [Yea] I fear even this letter betrays a [sneaking smack] of vain triumph. To kill this disposition of ungodly boasting let me reflect that my own [?ind} have been great enough to condemn me; why then try to cast [?] when perhaps I have a beam!
Give the children ten thousand kisses for me. I don’t know when I shall go home. Not I think (if please God) till I’ve gotten my $50000. Give all the praise to God.