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Wiggin is working on getting subscriptions. Bishop Hobart is in London. Wiggin does not believe that Chase ever intended any harm to the unity of the Church. The subscribers would not like it if Chase's institution became a branch, under the control of only one or two individuals.
Manchester, England
England voyage, Reverend Vale, Dr. Calvert, Mr. Hayden, Reverend Wray, Bp. Hobart, George Marriott
Recommended Citation
Wiggin, Timothy, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 272.

Manchester Feb 13 1824
My dear friend
Your favour of the 10th and 11th was recd this morning and I am much pleased with the favourable prospects at Sheffield. I shall send [?] first [?] 12 appeals to the Revd Mr. Vale and doubt not they will be useful there. I should not like to ask Dr. Calvert to write to any one on the subject of your visit, but he did not injoin secrecy, in regard to his note to me, and I therefore sent you a copy that you might shew it when expedient. I go on pretty well here, but have not succeeded yet with any of the fellows of the Collegiate Church. The Revd Mr. Wray one of the Chaplains gave me two sovereigns yesterday and wishes to be introduced to you when you return. I have been fully engaged today in my own business and have not applied for subscriptions. Since I wrote last a letter was recd for you from Mr. Hayden, which stated that there were a great many enquires after you and that he thought you were expected in town. He stated that Bp. Hobart was in London and most probably engaged in giving a new turn to your mission, but he did not say that he had heard so. What you say of Mr. Marriott’s letter rather confirms that suspicion. He (Mr. Hayden) was going to Paris to be absent 3 weeks. His wife was well. In reply to your remark reputing the unity of the Church I can truly say that I have never heard or believed that you intended to endanger it, but that your object was to secure it and to extend the influence of its blessed doctrine. In fact I believe your views and mine have been the same, and that we have in all things endeavored to promote the peace, the harmony and the existence of the Church, not only in Ohio but every where. If this has been your plan and you have acted conscientiously in endeavouring to carry it into effect, it cannot be expected that you have any [?]ctions to make to any one, but if any error can be pointed out or any security given that has escaped your notice you will no doubt listen to communications from any one, and most assuredly from your very good friend Mr. Geo Marriott. It is my firm opinion that the good of the Church must be kept constantly in view, and I as firmly believe that your plan of a Diocesan School in Ohio, under the control of the Convention of Bishops, is perfectly compatible with the best interests of the Church, and I would therefore be willing that any reasonable security should be given, not incompatible with the interests of that Seminary. Individuals are not to be [?], and I would not deviate from a just cause to benefit myself or to injure others but use all means for establishing and supporting the contemplated schools. This object I think [will] not be lost sight of, and consequently all the [subscriptions] I solicit will be applied for the [support of] a Theological school in the Diocese of Ohio I fancy I foresee a negotiation, but I cannot believe that you have any proposition to make, and to submit them to the consideration of the Committee. I see no reason to fear a favourable result, and hope such means will be used as will give security to the Unity of the Church, and increased patronage support to the Diocesan School in Ohio. I hope all subscribers will direct that the subscription shall be applied, to the support of your school, when that is the intention of the Donor, and that you will not consent to derive your means for supporting that school, for any American institution whatever. I know some of the subscribers here would not be willing that your school should be a branch, if its being such would place it under the direction of the general Theological institution. They think the conductors of this school in Ohio, should be subject to the Bishops as a body, but that they should not be directed or controlled by one or two individuals.
I hope there will be union amongst us and doubt not much good will result from our labours, and no evil. I hope to see the Bishops giving support to the cause and remain Dear sir most
Faithfully yours
T. Wiggin
Enquire for letters at the P. O. wherever you go.