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Marriott updates Chase on his recent writing and promises to respond to Chase's last letter more directly in a following letter. He expresses his satisfaction with the appointment of a new bishop.
Kenyon College, Bishop, Philander Chase, Publication, Ohio, Winchester, Jarvis, Sumner, Lord, Copleston
Recommended Citation
Marriott, G.W., "Letter to Philander Chase" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 206.

…to fill up the Chasm, without drawing on Ohio.
Wednesday 5th: Thus by patch-work am I compelled to write. My labors, tho’ now not such as seem to trench daily on my health as my former ones did, are quite as numerous and ceaseless—perhaps more so than ever, for I have undertaken more of “the various employments of him whom the world calls idle” (and probably with a deeper sense of their variety than Cowper had, when he wrote those words, in his retired way of life) since I left the Bar. I have not been inactive for Ohio, or American [Episcopacy] generally. I drew the two Articles on your Church in the [?] [Remembrancer] of September and October, and am now appealed to for an account of the Constitution and discipline of the Church in the same Publication because I wrote these Articles. If I live, I am also to furnish this month’s number with an Account of (what Bishop calls) the Twin-Sister of Kenyon College, of which [?] Mr West will convey to you from the Bishop, with an Engraving of himself, an Engraving which you will like to place immediately under it, as that of Kenyon College is, in many English houses as well as this, under your Portrait.
This first half of my letter was intended for Lord K.’s and A. Hodgson’s transmission, but Dr. Jarvis of Boston (whom I have just become acquainted with) has promised to convey it free to N. York in the bag of the [Charge] of affairs. The next half will be soon at its’ heels, I hope, and should have gone with it, if I had had anything like time. I cannot close this without telling you that my dear dear wife goes on well in all substantial symptoms. For this you will join with me in the happiest employment mortals know—the praise of God. I shall be almost puzzled to include all the topics of your two letters not yet touched in the remaining sheet and half. By the bye, I must not omit my great satisfaction, public and private, at the appointment of Bishop Sumner to the vacant [?] of Winchester, and that of Dr Copleston to be the new Bishop. I doubt whether the English Bench was ever so strong in piety and learning as now. With our united best love to you and all yours, I am ever most affectionately yours