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Chase, his wife, and sons are touring New Hampshire. There is an opportunity for starting an Episcopal Academy in Cornish, but the plan has not matured yet.
Hopkinton, NH
Cornish, NH, Plainfield, NH, Hanover, Lebanon, Baruch Chase, Judge Davis, Dudley Chase, George Chase, church, seminary
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Dudley Chase" (1811). Philander Chase Letters. 199.

Hopkinton Aug 19 1811
My dear Brother:
Since you left us we have had a variety of accidents, but none so fatal as to deprive either of us of life or limb. We have been visiting among all our relations at Cornish Plainfield Hanover Lebanon Salisborouh Boscawen and this place - All are well and received us joyfully. The Boys have continued to be pleased and to behave themselves well. Often do they mention their beloved Uncle and Aunt and other tender relations and Randolph with an affection bordering on enthusiasm. They dwell on the days that are past and delight to recount and make us sensible, and they are sensible of the tender charities they have received of those they love. All this I love and bless the Hand that formed them this susceptible of tenderness and gratitude.
We have already passed two Sundays, the allott[ed] time in this place. On the morrow if God permit we shall set off for Hancock there to visit Mrs. C. G. Mother - thence we shall proceed on to Boston, where we hope to have the pleasure of seeing Salmon’s widow and making some arrangements about the education of George his promising son. It cannot be that it was the intention of this our good Brother that his son should be thus estranged from his kindred and Friends - We will look into this business.
I have re’d a call from Cornish Church - but what to determine about it I cannot say as yet - Much remains to be said and done on this subject. If by settling there I could be the means of founding a Seminary exclusively episcopal - to train up and prepare young men for Holy Orders - that the Harvest, which is at once so plenteous and so neglected, may be supplied with pious zealous and well-informed Labourers I should rejoice in my Lot, thank God and take courage. Till this is more matured however I can say nothing definitive.
In the meantime I shall be looking about and taking advice, in which I hope your prayers will be [i]ngaged with mine that I may be directed and assisted by God: Holy Spirit. Brother Baruch falls in with the plan of the Epis. Academy at Cornish with full purpose of heart: in this he is joined by Mr. Wiggin who said he will do what he can to promote it. If the Charter could be obtained as Brother [?] thinks it can in our own way, we could obtain assistance by Lottery or from New York to set us on good and permanent Ground - The First Professor in the Country it shall be my business to seek in my [?]inations. But of this more hereafter.
Pray write to me while in Boston which will be till the 27 of August - Direct to the care of Judge Dawes. Farewell dear Brother!
Phil. Chase