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Philander Chase sends greetings to his brother and reminds him about his intention to purchase Peckum Farm.
Daniel Fay, Dr. Bipel
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Dudley Chase" (1807). Philander Chase Letters. 182.

My dear Brother,
Time nor distance does not diminish the tender and affectionate impressions, which your kindship, in cooperation with nature’s tier, has, from my youth up, made on a brothers bosom. On the contrary, I think of you oftener than ever-- Your future hangs before me, and in it I often surprise myself marking the resemblance between that & the image of the best of brothers deeply ingraven on my heart. From this, it is not strange if I, as often, [haps] to what is ever connected with is, the image of our dear children and that of her, who to them fills [up] the place of a tender mother. The God of heaven and earth bless the lads, and [strew] with the flowers of health and [peace] the paths of those who so kindly love them !! My eyes swim in tears when I reflect on my lot, in being thus separate from them and you. Why could I not been contented to prefer the peaceful, humble vale of life with my children, my parents, my brothers, and sisters, to the raging of a boisterous ocean, the inclemency of a sultry climate and the society of vicious & contumelious strangers? But, [?] the rising fondness of my doubting mind-- I have done [what] I thought was duty, pointed out by the finger of providence; and whatever it exposes me to, I will bear with ha[hence] resignation.
Tell the dear boys that their father and mother tho far and [cry], are well -- Their mother in particular, better than for many years past. The freshness & bloom of youth has returned, and nothing is wanted but their dear -- their blessed society to make her as happy as is confi[d]ant with this sublunary state.
Prospects are by no means unpromising as respects -- In a few days we expect to move down to our delightful er[?] below the town and commence the enjoyment of those rural [?] of which, I have been always passionately fond. We have[?] most fortunately, faithful servants; by whose industry and care on a lot of about 6 or 7 acres of the priest soil in y’ would we hope, with economy, to make a decent & comfortable living & perhaps to save from 500 to 1000$ Per [?].
I mentioned to you in my last, a hint of purchasing the Peckum Farm: that I thought it probable that I could pay four or five hundred Dollars a year toward it. Of the same mind I still remain. I have a great partiality for that particular place. The hill and the valley, the woods and the meandering stream, and the little spring, that bubbles by the door, are inexplicably grateful to me. Add to this, the sweet retirement of this place from the noise and pride of the world, and being the place, through whose stream and woods I have so often sported in my juvenile days, when on [?] to our beloved friends in Bethee--All these things combine in making me wish it may be bought. That if ever it should be my lot, or consistent with my duty that I go back to enjoy my declining days in the Bosom of my friends, I might find a resting place there-- the same time I would [not] that you give for it more than it is really worth in Cash, in which way alone I expect to pay for ir. Should you have purchased it [?] to the hint in my former letters-- it is my wish Mr. [?] and his family take immediate [possession] of it and enjoy it [?] to their own pleasure. That they would do what is right I have no doubt. Its reasonable rent, I would wish, to be laid out in making of good [hall] for the benefit of the [Farm].
I do not however pretend to meddle but mind my own business in peace and try to do my duty with fidelity and let the subject of [?] gold and [?] Bribes, alone.
I have some time since [?] a kind letter from Br. [?] but none else from any of our Northern friends, but expect them by every mail -- I know they will be mindful of us -- I know they will take more frequent opportunities to write to us than ever; now we are so far removed from them.
Pray bear it in mind to communicate our best and most loving compliments to all our friends; and dutifully remember to [?] Mr. [and] Mrs. [Tory] my wife’s dear hon[ore]d [?] them I should have [h]ere. This, written [?] had [just] approved that information. Mr, you would have been agreeable and more expected.
I hope the boys are dutiful and studious. -- Nothing can excuse them if they are not so. -- Give them a fond Father’s Blessing and embrace them tenderly.
Remember one to your good Christian Dr. [Bipel] and to your brother in Lord [?] & Judah Brown.
Be a good Ch[ristian] man yourself & make as many [?] the light and Truth, as possible. And may the heavens of God’s goodness open on you & pour down its choicest blessings on you.
Fare thee well my good my beloved brother Kiss your wife 500 times for mine.
Dudley Chase Sig[ned] Philander Chase
New Orleans
Jan 20 1807