Letter to George Chase

Letter to George Chase

Dudley Chase

Dear George

When you read in the enclosed paper the description of the variegated marble found in immense quantities in Virginia and Maryland you will [?] [?] the reason of my sen[d]ing you this packet. Knowing your taste for compositions of this kind and your love for specimens I readily concluded that [?] might furnish you a moment of diversion from the labors that engage your attention [at] your father’s great table. And now while my hand is in, I will post mention, that my friend Gen[era]l Watson of New Jersey, [to] whom I have had the temerity to introduce you thro[ugh] the [modicum] of some of your letters, has been pleased to express his high appreciation of the [genius] taste and [spirit] there is displayed, and to request his [compliments] and expressing a wish for a personal acquaintance at some future day.

Yours, most cordially,

Dudley Chase

Jan[uar]y 24th 12 o’clock at night


Dudley sends a packet enclosed in his letter about Virginia and Maryland's immense quantity of variegated marble. He continues to share that he has made mention of George's tastes to a friend, named General Watson, who wishes to formally meet him.


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