
Philander Chase



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Philander grieves the death of his sister Alice, who he describes as a sort of surrogate mother to him. He is upset that no one wrote him to tell him about this sooner, and that Laura claims no one knew his address in New York.




Alice Chase, Allice Chase, Laura Chase, Philander Chase, death, religion


New York 47. Broad Way De’r 9th 44

My dear Laura

My eyes flow with tears as I rise from my knees begging God’s Grace to sanctify to me the death of my dear, most dear sister Allice. O Laura this dispensation of Divine Providence in taking from my view this sister sinks deeper into my heart, than you are probably aware of -

It was Alice who was the sothing [sic] friend of my childhoo[k]. When our mother, weakly & sick, as was the case very often for a long time at the period when I most wanted her bosom to lean on, - when my Mother could not “take me” - then this dear Sister more than all others supplied her place. To her lap and soothing caresses I ran, - & by her stories was my perturbed spirit quieted when my Mother was in her sickroom - and when all others were unmindful of my childish woes. - - - And now that dear person after spending a whole life of personal suffering and weakness sleeps in the grave I mourn indeed.-

You say there were but 3 who gathered round that sacred sacred [sic] spot near that lonely church to see that dear object of our affection lower[e]d down to the deep and cold spot to which our unhappy race are doomed to come at last. - “The fourth was away” - - Would that he could have been there also!!

You seemed when you wrote your letter to think some others had given me the information of my dear Sisters sickness and death. - Alas! It is otherwise. No tidings had I rc’d of any name or nature touching any of my friends in Bethel since I left them. You say that my place of address was not known. Dear Laura. Did not our whole church know where the Convention was held? Did not all my friends now I was a member of this Convention: And yet not a letter did I receive from any one!--

You think I blame you for your taciturnity. If I did & do so, it is no sign I love you the less; but rather that I think of you the more, and pray for you the more fervently.

You say you are within a month (with the leave of Providence) to change your condition - [i.e.] you, I suppose, are to be married. May God’s gracious blessings attend you in so doing. May you prove a good and faithful wife & partner in all your future husbands joys and sorrows: and may you both be blessed in all you think & in all you say and in all you do, for Jesus Christs sake.

My eyes are still full of tears at [?] thoughts of dear Dear, Sister Allice’s death. That she is blessed I know full well. - But to think of the shattered remnant of our once flourishing family - how like the leaves of autumn we all appear! The Summer is past and we fall down and into the cold ground. -

The Doctrine of the Resurrection alone can cheer us when dwelling on this subject. May God give us grace to realize it! Your loving Grand Father

Phi’r Chase

Letter to Laura Chase



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