
Margaret K.L.



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Margaret K.L. writes to her niece Anna Ingraham apologizing for her lack of correspondence and explains that she has been ill. She then informs Anna of other illnesses among her family and friends, including scarlet fever. She gives Anna advice for marrying a clergyman and tells her to remain pious.




Margaret K.L., Anna Ingraham, illness, health, death, marriage


Feb’r 3’d 1843

My dear Anna

I fear you may have thought me forgetful of you, but besides my many cares I often have sickness to contend with, which renders me incapable of exertion; even the slight exertion of writing to my friends.

This winter I have been called to mourn with my dearest Sister in the loss of her precious boy, you have most probably long ere this received the newspaper I sent announcing his death. Samuel Kerr you may remember was her first born, of course very dear to his mothers heart. He was a dear boy and they have sweet consolation in his death. They have born it as those who look about earth for consolation.

I was happy to hear that Susan had so sweet a baby, I hope he may long be spared a blessing to his parents and be able to fill his Grandfathers place, when his earthly pilgrimage is over. I should indeed love to see him a worthy bishop. I desire to congratulate Janet on her happy marriage and sincerely wish that you may all have as large a portion of the comforts of married life as your unworthy Aunt has enjoyed. I trust that the tastes and dispositions of you and your cousin may prove as congenial as those of my cousin and mine have done.

You would I think have received more of our Norfolk papers but our dear brother George has been confined to his room for two months and to the house still longer. He has an affection of the spine which causes him to be down consta[ntly] either on the bed or sofa, his back is too weak for him to sit up. He cannot walk except by the aid of crutches and he only attempts it in going from the bed to the sofa, or into the next room to have his aired. He bears it with great patience[.] I sincerely desire that this affliction may by the goodness of our God work for his spiritual good.

Our dear relations in Norfolk are well at present, except dear G. Sisters family have all been very ill, the scarlet fever has been in it for three months, but they have all recovered excepting the dear one I mentioned before. Who we believe is in that land “where the inhabitant shall no more say I am sick” and where “all tears shall be wiped away” If, as is probably we shall know one another in Heaven, can you not picture to yourself your dear Mother, with her loving and affectionate disposition welcoming the dear little spirit she once, (although it was but for a short time) knew and loved on earth. How joyful then would be her welcome of her own precious ones.

How fares it with your own woul dear girl-- oh! if God has given you his grace, aim higher dear Anna. Our standard of piety in this day is too low. Let us aim higher, let the glory of God be our single aim. Although it may not be in our power to aid on[sic] another in our christian walk by sweet consel[sic] together, oh! let us be more earnest, more devoted in praying for one another. I cannot think my dear Anna forgets me at a throne of grace.

You Anna are I trust beginning to walk with God, be careful dear girl from the commencement to make your walk close with him. Divide not your affections between Heaven & earth. Where can you find an object to equal your Saviour in lovliness[sic] and love. We do not realise eternity and its awful nearness enough. Our hands are so much engaged with earthly things, we are apt to make eternal ones but a secondary consideration. This must not be. Let us be aroused by our Saviour voice-- “What dost thou have?[“] Let us not stand all the day idle, but [work] while it is called today.

You have a little field at home to work in as well as myself. Bye & bye if you are spared it will be extended, especially if you be a ministers wife. It is a blessed calling but my dearest you should earnestly pray God to educate and fit you for it. It is a responsible situation but one where much happenings and much peace may be attained by closely following Jesus. May you indeed be a helpmate to him you have chosen, and a true help to him in the good path he has chosen. Rememb[er] [i]t is for eternity you are working, to eternity [you] are aiming. Never relax, never grow weary, let your m[ind] be onward, onward.

How does dear Agnes and the dear boys come on, oh! I often think of these dear motherless ones. All I can now do is to pray for them. Do not let them forget they have and aunt Margaret. Their dear Mothers sister.

I am very careless in my hurried epistles, but they need only meet your affectionate eye.

I had a letter from Janet Suffern yesterday, they are all well in New York.

When have you heart from Henrietta? It is some time since I heard from her. As I am a letter in her deby I must try to write soon. I fear all my friends will think me remiss I have written so little this winter. Goodbye for my paper reminds me it is time to stop. Do write soon. Do not always wait for an answer from me-- I will send a paper when I have not time to write.

Your truly affectionate Aunt


Letter to Anna Ingraham



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