
Dudley Chase II



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Dudley Chase Jr. informs his uncle Dudley that his father Philander has allowed him to ask for pecuniary assistance for college, as he had previously forbidden him from doing so.




Philander Chase, Dudley Chase, Randolph, Vermont, college, finances


Hartford October 26 1837

My dear Uncle,

You recollect, that during our conversation on the evening before I left Randolph, you very kindly renewed your former offers of pecuniary assistance of which I did not avail myself, in consequence of my Father’s wishes on the subject, which you know originated purely in parental anxiety, lest I should [?] into needless offense, without being responsable[sic] to him. According to your desire, I made known to him your willingness still to assist me; assuring him at the same time, that I would draw upon your benevolence only for necessary expenses, and for these I would be responsable[sic] to him.

In answer he wrote to me shortly before his departure on a Southern tour, in his diocese, expressing in the warmest terms his grateful sense of your kindness, towards me, and allowing me, under such restrictions as I had myself offered, to receive such sums, as you from time, to time may feel disposed to afford me, for the purpose of getting an education.

I hope I am not disposed, my dear Uncle, be [?] burdensome to my friends and I should not feel willing to receive pecuniary assistance even from you did I not believe, that in rendering it you would be influenced more by the regard, and affection which you have for my honored Father, than by any other motive, for on my own part I know full well that I have not the smallest claim upon your generosity.

But if you still feel as kindly disposed to assist me, as you have formerly expressed yourself, I shall be ready thankfully to receive, and acknowledge, whatever you may feel inclined, and able to give, towards defraying my necessary expenses while in College. These will not be great, as I expect to have the benefit of a Scholarship, which will pay all my College bills. My principal expense will be for board, and books. For the present I am pretty well supplied.

I am somewhat afraid however, notwithstanding the encouraging prospects I have, in some respects, of being able to complete my course, that I shall not be able to do so in consequence of ill health.

The disspepsy[sic] has troubled me so, that I have done little or nothing lately, and if I do not get relief from it, I shall certainly leave. One of its effects is that of occasioning very low spirits, and to the unsociable state of mind which this occasions, my friends must attribute my remissness, if they do not find me so communicative, as might be expected. I have received your favour, inclosing two other letters, which gave me much pleasure. The sentence ‘we are all well’ conveys that which is gratifying [aside] from anything else.

[Give] my love to Aunt Olive, and to the other Aunts, and Uncles, if you should see them.

My fair Cousins too are not forgotten, nor Sister Eliza, and her dear girls.

With sincere respect, & affection

I remain your Absent Nephew,

Dudley Chase

Hon: Dudley Chase

Letter to Dudley Chase



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