
Creation Year
Image ID
Alternate Identifier
A: Jerusalem
Wide view showing part of the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem, centering on the Madrasa Is'ardiyya.
This is the north end of the Haram al-Sharif showing the façade of the Madrasa Is’ardiyya. The building was commissioned by a wealthy merchant with the name Majd al-Din al-Isardi, and the earliest date the building is known to have existed is 1345 AD. It may have functioned both as a madrasa (religious school) and a khanqah (Sufi hospice). The south façade of the madrasa forms the northern boundary of the Temple Mount, and was reconstructed during a restoration in 1927-28, leaving very little remaining of the original.
Image Notes
Photograph created 1977. Photograph processed April 1977. Formerly cataloged as B01.074. No notes written on the slide or index.
Curator Notes
It is difficult to say which roof it was taken from, since there is no clear public viewpoint in the line of sight. Omar Mosque is the best guess, and is the viewpoint for other aerial photos of the Temple Mount.
Image Format
35 mm slide
Geographic Reference
Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine
Full View, Afar, Madrasa Is’ardiyya, Madrasa, Facade, Fourteenth Century, Mamluk, Old City of Jerusalem, Muslim Quarter, Jerusalem