
Creation Year
Image ID
Alternate Identifier
A: Jerusalem
Looking eastwards through the Dome of Yusuf to the stone minbar (pulpit) of Burhan al-Din, adjacent to the pier of the Southern stairway. The Qubbat Yusuf or Dome of Yusuf dates to Ottoman times, and is named after the person who commissioned it, one Yusuf Agha. The minbar of Burhan al din is carved in stone, and although the original date of construction is unknown, it underwent restorations in the Mamluk and in the Ottoman periods. A minbar is an important piece of furniture in a mosque, and is where the preacher rises to deliver his speech or khutba. This minbar consists of a marble stairway leading up to a small platform capped by a segmented dome supported on tri-lobed arches.
Image Notes
Photograph created 1977. Photograph processed April 1977. Formerly cataloged as B01.044. No notes written on the slide or index.
Image Format
35 mm slide
Geographic Reference
Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine
Minbar, Minbar al-Sayf, Dome, Columns, Arches, Portico, Temple Mount