"CS.054 Wall decoration" by Denis Baly


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Denis Baly

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CS: Granada


Arabic calligraphy in carved stucco on a wall in the Alhambra. The wider central band contains script in Kufic, while the smaller bands contain script in less angular and more cursive ‘Naskhi’ script. The Alhambra’s walls are filled with text—most of these are Quranic inscriptions, but also include a lot of poetry by the court poets.


The Alhambra as a whole is one of the most fantasized monuments of Islamic Architecture, captivating the imagination of a vast number of writers and artists, including Washington Irving and the French author Chateaubriand, to name just a couple. Indeed, some parts of the Alhambra, such as the Court of the Lions, are commonly written about examples of the most beautiful architecture in the world. The palace-complex as it stands today was built mostly in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries under the Nasrid dynasty (1238-1492), in particular by Yusuf I (1333-54) and his son Muhammad V (1354-59, 1362-1391). Out of six royal palaces, only two survive (the Comares palace and the Palace of the Lions). A summer palace called the Generalife (from the Arabic jannat al-arif, ‘the garden of the architect’) is also extant. – SK

Image Notes

Photograph created 1974. Photograph processed June 1974. Formerly catalogued as B49.235. Notes written on the slide or index: Wall decoration.

Image Format

35 mm slide

Geographic Reference

Granada, Spain


Moorish, Muslim, Fourteenth Century, Fifteenth Century, Palace, Inscription, Stucco, Stucco Carving, Kufic Script, Naskhi Script, Quranic Inscription, Arabesque, Girih



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