"DH.061 Starting Area of Stadium of Herodus Atticus" by Denis Baly


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Denis Baly

Creation Year


Image ID



DH: Delphi


View of the starting area of the stadium. On the left are pillars remaining from a Roman triumphal arch, with the start line in front of it. The stadium dates from the 5th century BCE, but it was heavily renovated in the 2nd century CE by Roman aristocrat Herodus Atticus.


View of the stadium starting area from above with pillars remaining from the arched entranceway and stone starting line. The stadium dates from the 5th century BCE, but was heavily renovated by Roman aristocrat Herodus Atticus in the 2nd century CE. These renovations included the triple-arched entrance, a feature that is unique in Greece. The level field of the stadium is built into a steep slope, requiring the north side to be carved from the rock and the south side to be supported by a stone terrace. It is about 177 meters long, equivalent to 600 Roman feet. Inscriptions tell us that in addition to the 'gymnastics,' what we call track and field sports today, there were sometimes musical events as well. This is the best preserved stadium in Greece, and differs from its natural peers in Epidauros (DM) and Olympia (DI) in the curved sphendone on the west end.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Stadium - starting area.

Image Format

35 mm slide

Geographic Reference

Delfoi, Greece


Triumphal Arches, Stadium, Herodus Atticus, Second Century AD, Roman Period, Stadium of Herodus Atticus


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Rights Statement

In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted