"DH.002 Itea from Delphi" by Denis Baly


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Denis Baly

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Image ID



DH: Delphi


View of Itea below Delphi, looking down the Pleistos river flowing to the sea. In antiquity, the Gulf of Itea was the main point of entry to Delphi, and the fortified city of Kirra sat at the mouth of the river and controlled access to the site.


View of the coastal city Itea from Delphi. This port city has always been a major point of access to Delphi, called Kirra (Κίρρα) in antiquity. Due to the rugged geography around Delphi, this water access was the preferred method for ancient pilgrims, and the First Sacred War (595-586 BCE) was fought to topple the city of Krisa, lying midway up the valley, which was imposing fees upon the travellers. After that war, the valley pictured was dedicated to Apollo and grazing it was forbidden. Today, remains of the ancient port have been found in the bay, while the valley is scattered with olive groves and mined for manganese and bauxite.


Barber, Annabel, Charles Freeman, and Nigel McGilchrist, eds. Greece: The Mainland. 7th ed. 443-446, 473. London, NY: Blue Guides Ltd., Somerset Books, 2006.

Image Notes

Photograph created June 3rd, 1978. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Itea from Delphi.

Image Format

35 mm slide

Geographic Reference

Delfoi, Greece


Nature, Mountains, Valley, River Valley, Pleistos River Valley, Itea, Port, Harbor, Itea, Delphi


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Rights Statement

In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted