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KMcI 601128




letter, McIlvaine


Cinci Nov. 28/60

Rev. [My] dear sir-

Your [rec]d yesterday - You do not mention Gray - my McMullen. What will Mr. [Gray] do? [Is] he any better prepared than McMullen? The truth is, I don’t think he can make a useful [minis]ter. I understand the [serville] was a C[?] C[?]. Are very understanding and the [expectation] of these ten because they know them. & such candidates for [?] and require the cause exceeding. [On side of first page: I have written Gray & McMullen that I want [to] defer the question of their acceptance in candidacy [till] they have [?] the [?].] [Cont. 2nd page] People from a prior [?] of the real demand for and when they see such inferior [foreman] selected because [?] - I understand that where more objected [?] much [very] [send] [to] G - For G. answered that he went them where those [who] there who could judge better than he of their [Bishop]. Thus he lay, [?] his [?] [probably] & because it all with [me].

I beg you will not [engage] McMullen because he is good th[?]. I want to do good. & he has little [unkind] or force of character & especially of he has had no h[?] in print of [character] - of a raw inhuman - (I do not know how of [ill]) don’t engage him . We have enough of these good & [unsufficient] men. We cannot use them. Even when Mr. P[?] have intelligent & strong mind, & they will teach weakness & in[?]. & [certainly]. No their Pa[?]. We have too many [?] [?] - no the [?] of the [?].

I will thank you at any time & advise Ch[?]. about [how] Mr he her [?] No [?] in R[?]. I will have to get it. I hope the English Bible has a place - the students of his [clef] -

Is the chronology of the Bible [mitigated] in his year? I suppose it should come with K[?]! Most of the Bible.

Please have an e[?] [?] of what [furniture] G[?] [saw] need, - Mr. Blake will see to it.

[?] [?] Mr [?] & D[?].

Bp. Meade writes to propose the publication of my Reviews of Bp. W in the last Ep. Quarterly pin] separate form.

Mr. Power is going to Meso typee Oxford Dr. Have your hay [where] of any recent work. The temple of God or the N. Catt. [?] at Gambier -

Yours [?]-

C.P.M. -

Letter to unknown clergyman



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