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Fuller's request for a letter dimissory
letter, McIlvaine, Fuller, Bronson
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles, "Letter to Fuller" (1845). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 387.

Gambier July 15, 1845
Rev. and dear Sir,
Your request for a letter dimissory reached me last night. It is enclosed. We are sorry to hear of your recovering so slowly. I hope Mrs. F. and the new daughter are doing well. If the young lady shall do well we will take the credit to [her] buck-eye history, if the contrary, it may go to the Bay-State.
The college is doing well. Mr. Bronson the Pres. pro tem. is very much liked and probably will be the President-elect. The degree of A[?] will be compared in Mr. Warren.
Yours very affect.
Char. P. McIlvaine