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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
subject: lay readers
letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, church
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Bishop Bedell" (1862). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 367.
![Letter to Bishop Bedell](
Cinc. Sept. 15 1862
My dear Bishop
I enclose the form. The only head on which the [Journals] of our [Conventions] do not contain all that I have to say is that of the Fund for Judgement & [?] Clergy, which I have filled up. It is [nearly] correct. But as investments have changed several times in the three years & rates of interests, it would be a needless [trouble] to ascertain [precisely] was incom belonged to each year. It is correct with a few dollars more or less as to 1860 & 61, & correct as to the present. In regard to Lay Readers, I can give nothing. They are not permanent affairs & should be regarded only as make-shift. A clergyman writes for a [?] for a lay-reader. It is granted. He needs one because he is for a time [unwell]. He gets better. None is needed. Another [minister] succeeds. He may not want [that] man for lay ready, & recommends another when he needs me. What becomes of the former? Or should he have one whom he doesn’t like? If we make the lay Reader a permanency, we make him of too much [consequence]. He stays, while the ministers change. He becomes in [?] [country] parishes, a [power] & can trouble the minister more than he can help him. I don’t think they should be made of so much consequence as to be [?] in this form. Years ago, I kept a list of those I [licensed], but found it was of our use for I had no way of knowing who were considered or considered themselves as [?] after the emergency for which they were appointed [listed]. I think it should be regarded as a temporary thing, wholly subject to the will of the Rector, & in [?] of vacant parishes to be regulated by the Rector as soon as one is [Manned] either to cause the Lay Reader to cease or to have another appointed. Thence I can give no account of Lay Readers.
I note what you say about the [?]. When they came, they asked me what I thought of it. Having no account who had sanctioned it & especially not knowing but you had done so, while I was [?] I got not of the questions by saying I thought there were times when our College should pour out for the [army]. As they had come, I [made] as pleasant for them [as I] could, & did all I could to place them in good Company, & they are in as good as if they were at Gambier. The Co, [next] them, has [Presbn.], ministers & Licentiates in it, & yesterday (Sunday) after prayers by Mr. Hubbard, the companies in that [camp wanted] & a [Presbyn.] Minister of it peached. The boys will take no [?]. Mr. Clements was there yesterday P.M. & I supposed I should have seen him to-day but have not. [Charles] wrote me that he wanted to get the boys allowed to go home. This can be done in a few days. At present it would look too much as if they were fleeing [from] danger, as the enemy has not retired so far as was thought on Saturday. I will see to it. If the present [position] of things continues till the end of the week (i.e., 20,000 [disciplined] troops not further than 7 units from our lines & from [one] of the [finds] of the [?] / for it is so [low] that cavalry can find it at several points). I cannot go to my appointments [Zanesville] [bc] I have [given] above Gen. [?]’s estimate of their [force]. The cooler weather has so much [?] me that I shall be able to go to the Gen. Conv. if the Rebels will [please] to go so far off that I may.
I find I was mistaken about Pres. Allen’s [?]. It was [Goodwin] not Allen of whom [Max] [will write that]. I see no reason for [trying] [Goodwin] any longer, & would prefer Allen at any rate.
I have always seen & felt the evil of having the [Semy.] [so near] the College, but a change of a half [?] would not remedy it. It should be at least 20 units off, Cincinnati.
Rt. Rev. C. P. McIlvaine D.D.
I shall [?] [?] so that you may erase his name. I guess you will think I [must] be scant of paper.
Yours very affly.