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Update on troop movements
letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, Civil War
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Bishop Bedell" (1862). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 350.

Cinc. Sept. 17, 1862
Dear Bishop,
When I enclosed to you the forms of Report for the G. Con. I forgot that I had given & recd. letters [?] since the last formal. The [?] are four, Heather, [Bronte], [?] [?], & [?]. The receptions two, Reese & Cox.
Clarke of [?] wrote that [?] who has escaped out of [?] wants to come to the Diocese. Do you know him? I send today a letter for Mr. Cox to the Bp. of N. [?].
The Kenyon boys & our [Clifton] [employ] got up here early this morning. We have then [?] resting & feeding today. Tomorrow they will go to G. They have behaved very well, & our Clifton people in the Co. like them very much.
Our condition is relieved here only by the increase of troops & of [fortifications]. A few more days will complete the letter. Should the news rise two fast it would make us safe from attack from this side.
Last Sunday Gen. Wright considered the enemy’s force as 20,000. They are supposed to have been reinforced since then. They are [?] about 10 miles beyond our lines & where they have a road of only 10 miles to the [?] at [?] Ferry, 7 when it can be [forded] by [?]. We have 42000 men of the regular [Volunteer[ force, good [?] but unders supplied. They will fight well behind our works which are strong & exclusive. Included however in the number of war are some Regts. I know not how many of [Curtis] Veterans. If Buch comes up, men will [?].
If things continue as now I cannot leave here. Should a little take place I should be here & if it go against us much worse, for these will be terrible pillage.
I feel very anxious about my brother’s son. [He say] who commanded all the Authority defences in the defence of [?] Ferry, as Chief of Art. our Gen. Miles staff. He organized & placed all the [?]. I have heard nothing yet how he fared.
Yours affectionately,
Charles P. McIlvaine