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Enclose pastoral letter for printing - Bishop talks about clergy - why don't you find someone for president? I then, could agree or disagree.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, clergy


Cinc. Jan 29, 1863

My dear Bishop,

I enclose a Pastoral letter for Lent. It had better be first printed in the paper - and as soon as possible - and then the type transferred to a pamphlet form and enough printed to sent a copy to every clergyman - and a day or two [besides] - and the expense charged to me. I beg you will see to it - the printing and the sending - and be very particular about corre[ctions].

I am sorry about Paddock - I don’t see why he should go for thrice call, more than for once. It does not in the least affect the question of duty. But as to Christ Ch. they will not think of an unmarried man, unless perchance he should get hold of them, in such a way, before they think as some of them are carried captive by McCarty - I fear there will be trouble with him or [there] in their [?] about him. It is the [?].

H[?] is here. He came to bring his sister to school - and has been staying with Probesco. I don’t suppose he has any thoughts of the Ch. - but the opportunity has been taken to resume the thought of him. He lectured - and the people were greatly pleased. I do not want him to leave [?] - I wish we could get them to call Newton. I have often mentioned him, but they are so tardy and sleepy.

About a President - I really do not think I ought to go on about that matter at this time of year. And yet more [things] must be done. Why not you go? You are just as good a judge of man as I am - and you could [?] your opinions to me by mail and I could agree or disagree - and we could fix on somebody. Think of it.

Yours affectionately,


Letter to Bedell



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