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McIlvaine's illness; Kenyon College prosperous; ashamed of the church's actions at the 1865 General Convention; McIlvaine's article on rationalism
letter, McIlvaine, bishop, Kenyon College, church
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McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to a Bishop" (1865). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 328.
Cinc. Dec. 19/65
Dear Bp.
After two weeks confinement so as to be unable to sit up & write, I am now by the Lord’s favour, nearly well. What I should have exceedingly dreaded, had it been foreseen, such as carbuncle, which Physicians usually treat by ex[cision], has been [caused] gradually to p[ass] away & the wound healed by nothing more than the process of nature. I rec’d yours of the 11th when I could not answer it [with’t] pain. [Webb] had written me briefly about his news. I could not go there as expected. I have never seen him not having [?] to [?]borough since he went & he did not meet in at [?]. So that I know nothing about him but from his letters & therefore cannot give an opinion in answer to your question.
I did not mean any thing, by not mentioning [Mr.] Short when I wrote about Gambier. I heard nothing unfavourable then. Dr. Mc[Elhenny] took an opportunity to explain what he had written me of him, so as to ease it off. The College seems prosperous. Short writes that there has been a disturbance at Milnor Hall & discipline following. Pro[?] Ma[?] has lost his wife. What you suggest about Mo[?]’s going on an [inspection] [visit] to [?], is well. The [Stand Comm.] have declined [recommending] for want of [?]. I suppose you will be present at Randell’s [Consecration]. He wanted me but of course did not suppose I could go. [?] writes a kind letter asking me to his. But it will be so in the middle of winter that I have [no] expectation of it. As the arrangements are made of course [with’t] me, my not going will cause no inconvenience. I am so ashamed of my Church for the action in the Gen. Vonven. That I feel no disposition to appear in any of its great doings, where no duty calls. You may not have the affect, but I shall not. We are the praise of all the disloyal & have become a by-word of the loyal. Partly for that reason I the more take part with works of benevolence [?] [?] to our Ch. having Freedom [?] [?] [?] that if by any means I may do something to redeem the characters of our [communion].
I never knew how [Potters Resolution] came about as to the [two] Pastoral Letters, till recently, in answer to the question from me, how far I was to understand that my article on Rationalism under the [Resolution] to be in the name of the [?] [of] [?] he [detailed] the process. So far as that particular part is concerned. I like the [form] of a special address to Clergy [?] then the others. I wrote to [?], Potter & Whittingham got their news as above mentioned. Whittingham answered more strongly than all as to the understanding that the [?] was to be the voice of the [House], not mine. He goes as far in that direction as possible. I shall make a [Title page] which will accord with the news of all the four, while by retaining the [?] form of the paper as [read], “We the Bishops, [bc] its representative [Churches] will be given. It is now being printed. My illness has delayed it.
I am sorry you are [?] in Boston harbour, Boston [?] is Boston. Napoleon said the Empire means Peace. All that’s good is Boston. All that isn’t ain’t.
I have an opportunity, just now to send this to the P.O. & must stop—
Yours affly