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Missed Potter - never make visitations after convention except for new places. Problem of ordaining deacons and priests together. Pulls for Sturgis at Gallopolis, even vestry feel they were wrong. McElvee must be brought up short.
letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, church
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter from C.P. McIlvaine to Bishop Bedell" (1863). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 310.
Bp. McIlvaine
[?] time [?]
New York May 12/83
My dear Bishop,
Yours of the 2nd reached me here. I could not stop or try to see Potter, because my daughters were with me. I appointed yesterday at 9 [?] to see him as he had written that he was to be here the day before. I waited and waited and he did not come. This morning he called, having promptly written that he had mistaken the day when he had expected to come down and would call the morning. But before the note came I had gone out of town and returned. Then morning after he had called. Now I know nothing where he is, as he has left [?] [?]. As to the Editor of the Christian Times of which you wrote as praised by Bp. [Bingsley], he is [appointed] in the [?]. I saw him there last Sund. night. He is very young in aspect and Dr. Dyer says would not do for event of self-[?] etc. He is too young… I am glad you think of Lethrop through Britons and [?] [?]: as worth much only as they may be based on those of others as probably they are. I shall enquire in Phil. about Short. I hear of nobody here. I will ask about [?], when I see Dyer. About Lethrop I have several letters from [subjective] men and I know of nobody to write to, once [?] I have written to already. I wish you could be present at the examinations. You can get to the places you mention about as easily after [?] by Newark as any other way. I shall be [?] to make any more [visitations] when those appointed are [?], that is, after Convocation. I have never ventured on a visitation, except any [?] and near place, after that and [?] cannot now. I believe when [Cour.] comes I shall have visited some 32 or 33 places or parishes, during the year. What ever remains that should be done before Oct. I hope you will be able to see to. As the Examination in Part [?] is important to be had at the time appointed, because it will be part of the [examination] for order. I do hope you will be there. I expect to ordain the Deacons on the S. before Commencement. I do not think [?] a good time. When the clergy all stayed for Sund. it was different. Now that they get away as soon as the [?] can be pushed, one feels that an ordination is squeezed in and it does so come in [?] [?] that the pleasure and pride of it are marred. Barden the [?] of the Convocation is exhaustion enough for me without anything more. Hence since we lost the Sund. I have not had ordinations at [?]. As to the Priests. I have an special choice between ordaining them all at G. with the Deacons, or each at his own place, or all at the peril of one of them. To have them in with the Deacons, too much lengthens the service. As I shall commit that to you, you can take your choice between the two latter orders. Lethrop wrote me some weeks ago to know when he would be ordained and I then said at the Deacons’ [?] at G. But that would not be well, unless the others for Priests order came. Or you can write him and say when you will ordain him at Lancaster or elsewhere, only not at Convocation. I hope your plans for St Pauls Colombus and Charter and for Southhampton and Berkshire will succeed. Strange history at [?] is no evidence against him. I thank heaven a reliable man for [?] of purpose, sound of judgment, [?] for himself and clean settled news of truth, excellent demeanor and an uncomplaining patient spirit. The [[?]lyman] of [?] whom I saw, on the [?] land all the [?] on the vestry and thought a great deal of [?]. I believe it is a [?] in which they heaved so on the [?], as to imagine they would be taken care of at any rate. I hope nobody there but [Sturges] knew of what you did for him. His [?] to keep such purple [?] of such things. As to Mc[?], I will enquire in Phil. He must be hitched up short. It is another [?] as to such deaconships. I have never seen them work otherwise than inspiringly. I shall want all the time I can get at Convocation for any Clergy.
Yours affectionately,