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Reports information received and opinions about various persons being considered for the Office of Assistant Bishop.


KMcI 59?0518




letter, McIlvaine, Wharton, bishop


Piqua, May 18

My Dear Mr. Wharton:

Just before I left home, I rec’d yours acknowledging my last. I had some conversation with MR. —. He think Dr. A would secure a larger vote than Dr. B., would be more easily supported and would accommodate himself more readily to the Gambier plan. I like the idea of the Assistant residing at G— if a suitable person, and I like Dr. A for that purpose, but either would suit me. Dr. A. is Calvinistic, and in his strong positiveness of view suits me. Dr. B. you know has a prayer-meeting in his Sunday-School room, or at least it began there, and he intended, if it grew large enough, to have it in his Church. I was at them both. He is good there. A dash of Calvinism as A. has, gives definiteness, fixedness, strength, confidence in evangelical views, and saves them from dangerous neighborhoods and mixtures of uncertainties. But I love both—B. would bring us an increase of N.Y. interests in Gambier. Mr. — says there is great activity for L—, and that he thinks they can count on a good many. I cannot imagine who they all are, but care must be taken that none whom we desire stay away—for want of knowing that they are called to a special and most important work. Much depends on an un-rent garment. But there must be much calling on God—“Shew whom thou hast chosen.” He cannot bow all minds to one. Let us feel our need of His guidance and grace. Let us not put off prayer till we meet to vote. Let us each privately, constantly ask the Lord to take it all in His own hand.

Yrs. very affectionately,

C.P. McIlvaine

Letter to Francis Wharton



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