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KMcI 580924
letter, McIlvaine, Du Bois, family, daughter
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McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Maria (Mamy) Du Bois, (daughter)" (1858). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 22.

Bevay Sept. 24, 1858
My dearest daughter—
We arrived here today from our rambles on the Bermese Alp on our way to Mount Blance, + here, besides letters from [?], we recd your dear me of August 23, furnished by a page by your pretty-good-sort of a husband. I cannot deny myself the pleasure in ^ [?] ^ a little [?] rest, this
of writing a short letter in return, Nain perhaps will find time to do so also, but she has to work whenever she can at a silk dress which she brought with her., + which the day after we reached Liverpool breakfasting at Mr. Brown’s, there she got [greased], + had to take it apart + have it covered in London; + at Aix la Chapelle had to pay duty on it, because they would not believe it had been made up. To save any more trouble of that sort, she is sewing it up, + it keeps her busy — the little time she can get for her needle. Nain is a capital traveller in all respects. I have sometimes wondered she was not frightened at some of the paper she had to [?] But hse stops at nothing that I after[??] + is all cheerful + spirits, emjoying the while travel exceedingly. As I suppose my letter, journalising our route, are sent to you, will not detail it now I obeyed, as to a [??] Baden Baden we found [?] who was there from Lord[?] with an English woman, who had gone there to gamble, + whom he was d[?] of leaving. We had a high character of him. I engaged him for our whole party. Mr. Gadiden’s + mine, + he proves a most valuable man. We could not have done better. He [affords] all the [languages], + sees to all my affairs with the attendance of a faithful body-servant at the same time that he is an intelligent well-read + very respectable ma, [?] [?], but domiciled in Engld. He is everything to me, for as Mr. Gadiden knows writing about the [??] the [ways], I should here had the care + worry of seeing the affairs of the whole party. We first, before we got the [?], I had all that, + felt it would not do. Now I have only to determine where we will go next + when, + all the rest, even to brushing a coat or mailing a letter, is een to for me. Our attendance [?] thinks of every thing + does all we could desire — We pay him £10 a month + his road expenses, + that divided into three parts, Mr. Gadiden’s, Margarette’s, + mine, makes it cheap comfort to me. Washington urges me to go to Rome. What I go to Rome!! I cannot yet say whether I will or not. I expect at least, to get to Florence, + then, if the season is late enough, perhaps I will go to the city of Antichrist. Mr. Gadiden intends to go there. We have been [?] with delightful weather for our northern excursions in the Bermese Alp, + if you knew what [?] I have done, no hand + foot, up steep mountains, sometimes four hours on foot, + not as much [?] as Mr. Gadiden, a young + well man, + counted a good walker, fresh next day for more without any st[?] or [?] you would think I had grown in strength indeed, [?] that a half hour’s walk before I sailed, perfectly enchanted[?] me. I am a wonder to myself. May all I am permitted then to gain, be cause--[?] to God + faithfully used in His work. I intended to stop at Lausaure tomorrow on my way to Geneva, + see if Mr. Gould is there. But from your letter + from Mr. [?] )Julia Paerreprint[?]) who is here, you know, I learn that she has left there for [?] I shall try to see her at Leghorn or Geneva. The weather is too cloudy for Mont Blance today, so that as tomorrow is Saturday, we will go to Geneva for Sunday, + wait there a day or two, + if the weather [?] for Ch[?] will go there, otherwise as the season for the Alp is getting late, we will [?] directly for the S[???] towards Milan [?]. I am glad, dear Mamy, that you are in the country + enjoying it so much. Oh! how sweet it would be to have you with me, + Washington, Nain + I sometimes [talk?] of how you would enjoy it, how you would att[?] all + d[?] all, the full of spirit. Would you could have been with us, in the August + [?] presence of the J[?] + the [Wellerhorn?] + the Eigher[?], &c, listening to the thunder of their au[?] seeing their torrents of snow + ice, teaming down from their awful heights, in great [cataracts] leaping from precipice to precipice; would that you could have walked with us in their glaciers + into their icy caverns.
But dear Mamy, it is eleven o’clock + I want to go to bed. I have written a long letter to Joe, + today have sent a long me to your Mother + another to your Uncle Reed. Tell Washington, to please send the money he speaks of to my brother [Noya?] mentioning what its object is, + he will give it the right direction. [My] good bye darling. Nain’s best love, though she is asleep. [More] to Washington + your darling children. The Lord bless all.
Your dear Father—
Write again -- I hope Dr. Dubois [?] was not [much heart]
Geneva Sept. 27
We reached on Sat. the 25 by the Lake, spent Sunday here, a nice English Ch. & good preacher + full congregation. [I am ??? -- scan cuts off] all about Geneva. She + I are to take tea with Mr. [Gauper], author of the book on the Imp[?] of the Sar[?] + D’aubyne[?] is to meet us there. Would not somebody in Chillicothe [?] to join the party. The weather has cleared up beautifully + we have the prospect of fine skies for Cahmo[?] whither we expect to go tomorrow. Good bye again, my Mamy, my precious Mamy. The Lord’s love be yours.
Your dear Father.