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KMcI 630723




letter, McIlvaine, Chase


Bishop McIlvaine

Cin July 23 1863

My dear Mr. Chase-

Have you any objection to extending my son’s leave of absence one week? He does not know that I wrote. He thinks he ought to go back at the end of his present leave [?] not asking extension [?] though he wants to stay longer. He is very scrupulous about it, + it is only that in [?], when his mother is out, [??] requires [?] him [?] to leave next [?] it should seem very important either from the heat of the [?] or his strength that he should not go, that I now write, in order to be prepared. He is particularly weak at the time, + it would be a great comfort to [me] to keep him longer, though he thinks he should not seek any extension of his time. If you answer negatively, he will not know that I have written. If affirmatively, I may not avail myself of it.

I live in hope to hear of my nephew’s appointment as a Cadet; I [?] there is no [possibility] that the Conscription will not be [?] in N.Y. Let [?] know they are not [to] rule; if the heaven[ly] father

the horoscope of our [?] very encouraging. We shall observe the President’s Day of Thanksgiving with great [?] of mind, think it the best Proclamation in that [?] which has ever come from Wash. Never before, has there been any recognition of the Holy Spirit. Thanks for that.

Yours affectionately

Chas. P. McIlvaine

Cinc: July 23.

My son’s time at home has been [cut] short because the state of the [?] when his leave began made it [?] that he should come by N.Y.

Chase [?]

Letter to Salmon P. Chase



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