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The Hiawatha baseball team easily defeated the Millersburg team at Hiawatha baseball team easily defeated the Millersburg team at Hiawatha park on Sunday afternoon by a score of 9 to 3. The visitors escaped a shut-out by scoring three times in the second inning when they filled the bases with runners on errors by the local infielders. Penhorwood, the Millersburg pitcher, hit a weak grounder to second base where Brown made a miserable mess in attempting to handle the ball and allowed all three men on bases to score. The game begun shortly after three o'clock with Householder pithing for the locals and Penhorwood for the visitors. The former worked steadily throughout the entire game and did not seem to weaken at any point. Penhorwood, on the other hand, let down somewhat in the last few innings and was hit rather hard. In spite of this fact, the hits were not numerous enough to net runs had the Millersburg fielders been able to handle the easy ones. Their miserable support to the pitcher was the sole cause of defeat of the Millersburg team. It was apparent shortly after the beginning of the game that the task cut out for the locals was not a hard one and they played accordingly. There is no doubt that, had it been necessary more runs could have been scored in any of the last three innings. Next Sunday the C. M. A. team of Newark will play in Mt. Vernon and this game will be looked forward to by every fan as they have already defeated the locals in two games this season. This was before the team was reorganized. Vany of Mansfield will pitch the game for the Hiawathas and Porter will be back in the game.


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