
Dudley Chase



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Dudley Chase (Washington) to George Chase (3 pages).




Illness; Grief; Health; President; Vice President; Opinion; Expedition; Hospital Surgeon; Suspension; Lewis;


Washington December 24th, 1816

My Dear George,

Yesterday I read a letter from [Colonel] Seymour of [Hartford] [summoning] in a post [thought] that your [horse] Heather had been sick of a fever but was recovering. I had heard before, by Judge Cotton from Vermont, who was here to [return] the votes for President & Vice President, that he understood as he came Theo Hartford, that your father was ill, but not dangerously, of a fever. The receipt of your 21st unit, [gives] me the [distressing] [?] and has filled my heart with sorrow and grief unspeakable. I tremble for the fate of [?]uor [Ayrres] and deeply sympathize for the severe suffering of all the rest of the family. [God] grant it that this among [may] [ere] this, he can [plete], and the tear of affliction dries up. Don’t fail to inform me of the state of their health as you learn it, from time to time, and I feel very anxious to hear from them as often as possible.

I think I told you in one of my letters that I had [conversed] with the President upon the subject of your letter and that I found his opinion correspond[s] with my own as formerly expro[?] to you. However Mr. [Manno] thinks a way may be provided that will answer the [?]. We [conversed] an obvious [mode] last [Sun.] free to observe to you that I do not like either of them [very] well. A hospital surgeon will accompany Gen[era]l Porter on his expedition, the [person] [designated] I am well acquainted with. He will take a [Ward Master [Steward] with him whose ways will [see] one $20, and the other $22, per month. He, the Surgeon, is my particular friend, and will engage whomever I please in these [capacities]. He has moreover promised they shall have nothing to do but to attend to the business you propose, and shall be supplied with everything [neeful] for the purpose. This must however remain entirely [entre nos]. How do you like it?

I am sorry for [Hubbel] your friend. The term you used to define his punishment is very indefinite. Suspended. For how long a period and how does it affect his rights as a student?

Mr. Madison informed me that every effort was used to induce men of competent information to accompany Lewis; but the dangers and uncertainties of the expedition were so great that more would venture. That after the return of Lewis and the practicality of the plan proceed, many were willing to travel the same route and make the necessary [researches]. He further observed that Lewis was a very extraordinary man, and accomplished the main objects of the expedition much to the satisfaction of the President, this he did not pretend to be informed in many [points] that were very admirable.

Do not make dependence on this whim of yours, lest you should be disappointed. Indeed I [consider] the [chances] ten if not fifty to [come] against you. It would be [fully] in the extreme to cherish a hope which it would be painful to relinquish.

Excuse this [hearty] and miserably [?] thing. I have no time to correct or retouch.

Write me oftener. Adieu

Yours most affectionately,

Dudley Chase

I have rec[eive]d but one letter from home since I left Vermont that was dated 8th [?]. All was null & is [?]tare gone.

Letter to George Chase



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