
Anne Hutton



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Anne Hutton updates Chase on the lives of her family members and pledges her continued love and support for him and his cause.




Mr. Varcy, Baddow, Mrs. Varcy, William Hutton, Harriet Hutton, Fanny Hutton, Mr. Marsh, Great Horkesley, Charlotte Chapman, Isle of Mann



August 22nd 1828

Rev’d & very dear Bishop Chase,

A longer period than I like has lapsed since I last addressed you – nearly a [?] I fear – as my letter was written in Sept’r or Oct’r 26. Various occurrences have prevented me this pleasure & privilege – long indisposition is the preventative, on which account writing has been prohibited. I know & sincerely hope you will never attribute my silence to forgetfulness of you, or the blessed work in which you are engaged, & which, owing to the rich, & free mercy of our Covenant God has so gloriously prospered. Indeed, great & glorious things have been done for Ohio, may our Heavenly Father still continue you a labourer in that Vineyard, & abundantly bless your work & labour of love. Many prayers ascend daily on your behalf, & doubtless they must prevail when offered in the name of our adored Intercessor Jesus Christ. I often wish for the privilege of again shaking your hand, & bearing your voice – a blessing I can only [?] where we meet in the [?] [?] before the throne of the Lamb, & are permitted to sing the song of Moses & the Lamb. Oh dear Sir, I often [worried], & still [often] doubt whether I shall be ever “meet for the inheritance of the Saints in light” – May the Holy Spirit of the Most High make sins so – it is his blessed work, & if [begun] will I know be carried on, & perfected there. I desire to cast myself on Jesus the good Physician – may I be at the foot of his dear Cross, & trust to his [atoning] blood for the pardon of all my sins – apply to his spotless robe as the only covering for them. I feel myself a sincere indeed, but I reason in Jesus I possess a full & complete Saviour – one that saves to the uttermost – but for this born from our loving & compassionate Father, what would have become of us miserable sinners. I am now going dear Bishop Chase to give you some account of those members of our family with whom you are acquainted, & in whom as members of our Church Militant you are interested. My dear, & aged Father is still I rejoice to say in the land of the living, but suffering under all the infirmities of old age; he is just entered his 80th year, & all with him here is labour & sorrow – he is sadly [altered] the last six minutes, & I fear in six months more are passed his days will be numbered, & he will sleep with our Fathers. I now only pray that our loss, which will be great indeed, may be his gain. I hope he has laid up treasure in Heaven – that his name is in the Book of Life – & that when he closes his eyes on the things of time & sense, he will open them in a Land free from sin, sorrow, pain & death. I hope he will be like Him whom having [having] not sent us love, & in whom we must rejoice with joy unspeakable & full of glory. My dear Mother enjoys a good portion of health – an unspeakable blessing is this at all times, but particularly so to her, as she seldom leaves my dear Father by day or night. She is quite prepared for a loss which must soon befall her, but she looks to Him for support who has promised to be the Husband of the widow, & a Father to the Fatherless. He can doubtless supply all her need, & if He be our [potion], the loss of all we shall [dutifully] endure; we may weep at the death of dear relatives, for [Jesus] [?] but we must also like Him say, “not my will, but thine be done.” I think when we last wrote we told you that Ms Varcy, my Sister Louisa whom you know, had returned from A[?] with her Husband & two children. She remained in that Island three years, but the climate was so injurious to her constitution, that had she remained longer, her medical men said, her life must fall a sacrifice – her Husband enjoyed perfect health there; & was a diligent, & I trust successful labourer. They remained with us till May last, when Mr Varcy was obliged to return to his [post], my Sister wished much to accompany him, but not having sufficiently recovered from her confinement, & from the effects of a West Indian climate, it was thought their path of duty to separate for a short time – therefore Mr Varcy took a [?] for [?] at Baddow, about twenty miles from here, it being a [?] & healthy situation. I have been spending the last three months trying to cheer & comfort her in her state of widowhood – but this was not to be effected – so devotedly are they attached, that I fear it a little interferes with duty, for she now determines to leave England in October next with her three children, although strongly advised not by every [?] man. I sometimes fear she will never return, but as I cannot prevent her going I commit her to the care of [?] – the ever watchful Shepherd – & I trust for the sake of those dear to her, he will preserve her in health. One view my Sister has in joining her Husband, must I think be pleasing to God, & I trust will be rewarded – she is anxious her Husband should continue his labours in a Land where they are much needed, where there is so much vice & wickedness, if she does not join him, he will give up his appointment; by going she hopes he will remain some years longer – will not fall a sacrifice – her family consists of two Boys, & a Girl – they are fine, healthy children. My Brother William I think you never saw, he was in the Law, but he disliked it so much that he has left it, he intends going into the Church, & is studying at the Dublin University – my youngest Brother, who promises to be a faithful Minister of the Church of Christ, hopes to be ordained, at [?] – the bounds of his habitations & the flock over which he will preside, is at present unknown – he leaves it with the Lord, & his constant prayer is that it may be where he can bring most glory to God, & benefit to man. His wife is indeed an [help] [sweet] to him – she is one whose price is above rubies. She has just presented him with a Son, whom they hope to train for usefulness here, & glory hereafter. I have two Sisters at home, Harriet & Fanny – we have also the charge of our Brother Henry’s children you had the pleasure of dining with here. Dear Mr Marsh is wearing out in his Master’s service, he desires with the Apostle to spend & be spent &c His wife also – she appears not to be long for this world. Their Daughters are growing up, & give decided proofs of piety – the Xtian graces shine very conspicuously in them. Mr Marsh has many converts to the faith he is more humble, & heavenly minded every day – I am still permitted to enjoy his ministry – God be praised for the undeserved blessing.

You will dear Bishop Chase, before you receive this, have no doubt heard of the distress of your good friends at Horkesley – poor Charlotte Chapman is still in a dying state – her bodily sufferings are very great, but her mind is peaceful & heavenly – she is longing to depart – her earthly prospects were bright but brighter still are those beyond & above. It is a grievous trial to her Husband & parents, but I trust they will have strength according to their day. The Bishop is obliged to leave for the Isle of Mann next week, but his Mother will stay till all is over. I must now dear Bishop Chase bid you farewell. Let me some day hear from you again – Your letters I esteem, & highly prize – May God forever bless, & preserve you & the Church is the prayer of yr humble, grateful, & affect’e young friend

Anne Hutton

Letter to Philander Chase



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