
Philander Chase



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Chase discusses his progress in petitioning Congress as well as a negative article written by Bishop Hobart. The paper also includes a brief note to Chase's wife.




Congress, Kenyon College, Bishop Hobart, Pennsylvania




To Bp. Brownell

Mar 1. 1828. Washington City

Right Rev. & Dr. Brother

I am not without hopes of succeeding in my application to Congress for aid in the great work of Kenyon College. The Committee have approved of my prayer and reported in my favour. The house of Representatives also have agreed to the remission the duties on presents from England to our Theological Seminary. All this looks well: yet knowing how prone I am to be sanguine in my expectations I dare not presume too much: and hourly pray for submission to the [lot] whether prosperous or adverse, which God shall please to assign me.

I am truly sorry that Bishop Hobart should have thought fit to [long] be so unmercifully in his “Journal.” Who is in a “a passion.” (I think he calls it ebullition of passion, for I read it only once hastily). Who is in this ebullition of passion I am willing the Christian world shall judge. I feel nothing of it towards him: tho’ I very much disapprove of his conduct but in relation to England and the affairs in Pennsylvania. I pray God both for his own sake and for the sake of our suffering Church to put him right & to bless him and his people.

I fully agree with you in all the sentiments expressed in your good letter of the 4th of Feb: and while I thank you for your favour I beg leave to assure you of the fidelity with which I am your Friend & Brother

Phi’r Chase

Rt. Rev. Bishop Brownell

To Mrs. Chase

No news today: all well — I have been busy in writing to Eng’d. May God bless you my dear, dear, wife

Mar 1. 1828.

Letter to Bishop Brownell



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