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Letter from the Secretary of the Kenyon Circle of Gardiner, Maine, pledging support for Chase's cause among the ladies of Gardiner as well as a contribution of $70 raised by them towards his efforts.
Kenyon Circle, New England
Recommended Citation
Hoskins, Mary, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 740.
Gardiner (Maine) Oct’r 24. 1827.
To the Right Rev’d Bishop Chase,
Rev’d and dear Sir,
In behalf of a circle of young ladies in this town, I humbly beg your acceptance of the sum of $70, as a mite, contributed by their industry, to aid your benevolent exertion for the establishment of a religious & literary institution in Ohio. In the address, delivered in our church, the last spring, you gave so unpleasant an account of the state of religion & learning, and pictured your fears of an almost total decline of all moral feeling, in the western section of our country, in so warm and animated a strain, that it awakened in us so deep an interest as prompted us to exertions in its behalf. With the people of the West, we feel more than a common tie; emigrants and descendants of emigrants from New England, as most of them are, — educated upon the same principles as ourselves, we feel for them, the same sentiments — the same affections, as for those nearer to us. Although separated by deep rivers, and lofty mountains, yet the stream of affection and christian love, uninterruptedly flows between us. To them in the spirit, which knoweth no material bounds, we can say, with the pious and affectionate Ruth, “whither thou goest, we will go; — thy people shall be our people, and thy God shall be our God.”
In behalf of the young ladies of this society, permit me to wish you success, in the object, which you have so long, and with great unwearied exertions, endeavoured to accomplish — And may the blessing of Him, who rules over all, rest upon you and your work.
I am Rev’d and dear Sir, with much affection & respect,
Your humble servant,
Mary G.I. Hoskins,
Recording Secretary of the Society.