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Lord Kenyon updates Chase on his family and assures the Bishop of his English friends' continued support.
Lloyd Kenyon, Isle of Wight, Timothy Wiggin, Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop of Bath & Wells, Margaret Kenyon, Edward Kenyon, Judge Pack, Judge Hemphill, Mr Coleman, Lord Bexley, Lord Colchester, Mr. West, India, King George IV, Canada, Lady Rosse, Lord Gambier, Dr. Bell, Adam Hodgson
Recommended Citation
Lord Kenyon, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 715.
Putman Lye
June 24
My dearest Bishop
Your most welcome letter of May 22nd arrived yesterday, & being just returned from Church & alone my precious girls & dearest Lloyd being at the Isle of Wight, I will today begin at last, this to you. Most fervently do I bless God for His continued goodness to your sacred cause, & for preserving you in such degree of health as enables you to continue your fervid exertions in its behalf. I hope the 9th of this Month passed off to your hearts content, [assuring] to your reflexions gratifying to the last hour of your life, & the blessings of [?] to come. Your fifty scholars under your invaluable wife’s care, are 50 blessings; & I trust in God’s gracious [?] Providence they will hereafter be 50 bright evidences in a bitter world of the value of your most Xtian endeavours to breed up for Him of Glory a flock filled with Faith & zealous for good works. I never reflect on the honour you have done the name I represent, but with deep feelings of personal humility & gratitude towards you. Our excellent friend Wiggin continues zealous for the good cause, & all his family & he keep quite well. So are our excellent friends the Marriotts, & the Bishops of Salisbury & Bath & Wells both and of town & engaged in Diocesan duties. They are always found upright & correct in discharge of their duties however others of their order may mistake in theirs. I hope this week to get to my precious flock by the sea side, where we think to stay till the latter end of August for the complete renovation of my precious Margarets strength, an object very dear indeed to my heart! All my other 4 [inclg] dearest Edward yet at H[?] School are as stout as possible, & I bless God I can say in piety & purity of heart I trust such as my [departed] blessed Angel wd have wished the objects of her tenderest love to be. That they & I may, by our Blessed Redeemers merit, be hereafter reunited to her forever is my most constant fervent prayer; & for such blessing to us all I beseech you my beloved friend. I dine today at good Judge Pack’s who keeps remarkably well. I felt greatly obliged to your excellent relative Mr Kip for his kind & friendly present & have examined his gift with much interest, & recorded it in my obligation to him. I shall however trouble him with a few lines of thanks. Judge Hemphill Mr Coleman, & your friend whom Mr Wiggin introduced to me the other day I liked much, & shall always be gratified by any attention I may be able to show to friends of yours. Lords Bexley & Colchester were much interested with Judge Hemphill. I heartily rejoice that Mr West has so [reached] your heart & confidence, & trust in God’s goodness that he will be eminently useful in his generation to the most glorious of all causes, & also that his companions may produce to you other humble & valuable aid & alleviators of your labours. I trust in God’s goodness that your invaluable life my yet be spared for years, for the settling as well as founding your sacred establishment.
We are just sending out our third Bishop to India. Two such men as Middleton & Hebre to be snatched from that sacred wish in so short a period as 12 years, wd seem strange indeed did we not know that God seeth not as man doth. If Mr West has not told you his story of what our King George IV said at a breakfast before he left Ireland you must get him to do so, & if it were published in your Theological Periodical it would come back again here [anxiously]. We are all delighted with that excellent, zealous pure hearted man, & tho’ from conscientious & honest feeling I tried to retain him for our Colony of Canada yet I could not help heartily rejoicing when Ohio became his destination. I shall be most anxious to hear of his return to Ireland & of his second expedition with all his Protestant Episcopalians to dear Ohio. I dare not hope to be able to see you there; but should circumstances ever so fall out as to enable me to visit the New World, Ohio would be beyond compare the most interesting spot I could ever visit. I cannot relinquish the hope of seeing you again in this world; & humbly pray God that I & mine & those dearest to both our hearts [come] [before] us may be all reunited together with you & yours for ever in the presence of our Blessed Lord & Saviour. Of good Lady Rosse, Lord Gambier & Bexley I can send comfortable respects, & rejoice in being able to do so of my precious children who enjoy the Isle of Wight much. I hope to join them there tomorrow (29th). I have been so engaged what with Church Boards which I have to attend & with Parliament where the greatest of satisfaction is felt by the friends of Lord Liverpool at Mr Canning’s conduct & observation, that I have been prevented from sooner finishing this letter. I [not] say however that by whatever matters I may be engaged like Goldsmith
“My heart [untroubled] still returns constant to truth & thee” Ohio & its primitive Bishop will never be absent from my thoughts or from my prayers that it may graciously please God to bless it & you with His choicest blessings. Your Judge seemed much pleased with our Central School, as two R[?] did the either day when Dr Bell, good man, put them under my charge to show it off to them. The good Bishops of Salisbury & Bath & Wells always speak most affect’ly of you, & with true interest of your sacred cause. Mr Wiggin I need not assure you continues steady in his attachment as his amiable family also are. You had better renew your habit of sending all letters for me under care to A Hodgson as for Ship Letters my privilege of [?] does not apply, Grateful for your kind affections Believe me My Dearest Bishop your most devoted friend