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Lady Sparrow updates Chase on his cause and pledges her further support wherever he may need assistance.
Liverpool, Huntingdon, Bible Society, Vermont, Ohio, Lord Kenyon, Hannah More
Recommended Citation
Sparrow, Lady Olivia, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 424.

My dear Bishop, I rec. your letter this morning enclosing your [?] direction to Liverpool and tho’ I sent a letter there, 2 days ago, yet as it was not sent to the [care] you now mention, I must add this line, on the chance of its finding you still on this side. You will find the letter at the office, unless, as is probably the case, you have received it. Nothing but unfavorable [?] will enable this to reach you in time. I have nothing now to add to my former letter, except that our Huntingdon annual meeting of the Bible Society took place yesterday, and was familiarly interesting. The whole [?] and all the speakers [crossed out] by the Spirit and [funding] which such an object should produce. It is difficult for understanding in which many [human] [?] are concerned, to be kept free from [?], but surely as one of the proofs of the blessing which has attended this Soc. may be admitted the promotion of so large a number, without the protection and guidance of what [demands] their legitimate directions, [keeping] so [?], the path of wisdom and [?] the animated with such zeal, and distinguished by such success. The accounts of the progress both at home and abroad is delightful and this morning I saw a speech of a Bishop of Vermont, which I suppose is not far from the limits of your diocese, in a late Bible meeting in America, which [proves] him to be a man such as would be very comfortable for you to meet.
By the [way] I think he is only a minister not a Bishop. Now my valuable friend, I need only to repeat the [?] wishes already offered for yourself and your cause. And to beg you will be informed of the real pleasure, in every point of view which it will afford me, to be of use to either. I hope to be able [?] to give further assistance and have determined in my own mind, that often answering the claims I stand already engaged for, I shall admit to others, till your object is answered, but shall reserve my efforts for it. I suppose you [?] the direction you gave to [answer] when you are in Ohio. But I hope to hear from you from there when your leisure permits. And to know when you think I can be of use. I have not the pleasure of personal acquaintance with Ld. Kenyon but shall be very glad ([?] any opportunity occur for it) to become acquainted with ne who has been so friendly to you. I trust you will find your cause has the best blessing attending it, & that it will prosper to your heart’s content. Believe me once more your truly sincere and faithful friend,
Olivia B. Sparrow
Brampton Path, Huntingdon
You should not put [Buchandon.]
I rejoice at the accounts you give of the friends added to your list. Pray when at leisure mention your interview with Mrs. Hannah More.