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Chase is disappointed in Rev. Wheaton's response and will not publish any kind of self-defensive article but is "very sorry" that the Rev. has "refused" to do him the kindness of publishing an article himself.
British Critic, British Critical, Rev. N.S. Wheaton
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Reverend Wheaton" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 405.
London June 29 1824
Rev. and Dear Sir
Your favour of the 26th did not reach my eye till last evening. I give it as early an answer this morning as possible.
Whether you are mediately, or “immediately,” I humbly conceive you are deeply “concerned,” in the article of the British Critic. of May last, I mean the Article to which you allude and which you so correctly term “an unjustifiable attack on a person, innocent of the motives therein imputed to him.”
This Article however contrary to your own sense of Justice was certainly written to serve the cause which you represent simply by the act of [injuring] me and the cause of Ohio
[CROSSED OUT]: I thank you for giving me liberty publish your disavowal of all participation in the offensive Article; but I must decline in England of availing myself of this privilege.
[CROSSED OUT]: I have refrained hither to from all acts of re[?] or of self defense from the manifold calumnies and misrepresentations circulated against me in this country; and to commence now though it were under the advantage of your very important letter I beg leave to decline.
I asked you being a party concerned--deeply tho’ not “immediately concerned” to ward off a blow which by injuring me has been essentially beneficial to yourself. I have asked you as a christian Brother and a Friend in a foreign land, one who acknowledges me to be innocent and injured to do this publicly and directly in that paper which has abused me which had espoused your cause and where you can and I can not be heard. There but no where else the Antidote would follow the poison; and you alone can [commit] so to do
[CROSSED OUT]: with the least delay possible.
I am therefore very sorry you have refused to do me this kindness--kindness did I say?-- and I think your best friend, now and ever will deem it an act of justice to your injured yet affectionate Brother in Christ.
P. Chase
Bishop of the P. E. Church
In the Diocese of Ohio