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Mr. Twedell sends Chase his publications and tells him of the success with which they have been distributed in England. Twedell also wishes Chase well and hopes the Bishop will remember him.
Loyal Tract Society, Ardwick, Manchester
Recommended Citation
Twedell, Mr., "Letter to Philander Chase" (1824). Philander Chase Letters. 344.

Mr. Tweddell, in requesting Bishop Chase’s acceptance of these little publications, begs him to regard them as being offered rather as memorials of esteem and respect on the part of the writer, then as in themselves worthy of his notice. The two sheets (“Beauties of the Bible” and “the Terrors of the Lord”) were drawn up at a time when the march of M[?] (as it was termed) was at its height in these parts, and, with infidelity, was working dreadful mischief & disorder amongst the people. The origin of the former was an ancient obstruct that fell in Mr. T’s way, some few passages of which are retained so that it is not entirely [?]. Many (from 20 to 30 thousands in 2 of 3 months) thousand copies of these papers & others of a similar description were circulated at that period in Manchester & the parts adjoining by a society then formed, called “The Loyal Tract Society” of which Mr. T. was secretary. This explanation secured necessary to account for the fervor of these two papers.
Mr. Tweddell has only to add his fervent wishes & devout prayers for the health of Bishop Chase and prosperity to all his pious projects, in which Mr. Tweddell joins him with cordial and unfeigned sincerity. He humbly hopes to have a place in the Bishop’s remembrance, but most of all in his prayers. Not to have seen more of one who, in a short intercourse, has impressed him with so great reverence & love, this will be a subject of last regret to his mind; to hear tidings of him & his affairs & especially of his success will be amongst the highest of his satisfactions.
Ardwick, Manchester
11th July, 1824